- Western view of justice 西方公正观
- An early western view of a southern Chinese harbor shows that coastal residents were au fait with handling boats. 外国人图绘中国南部港埠,可看出沿海居民早已习于舟楫。
- The western view of China is ever changeable, and the key is on what meaning do we understand it, whether it is knowledge or imagination, or statement. 摘要西方的中国观反复无常,关键看我们在什么意义上理解西方的中国观,是认识还是想象、是知识还是表述。
- Moreover, the means he uses to achieve his idea of justice mirror the machinations of the artist, who also seeks to enable others to see his view of the world. 而且, 方法他使用达成他的正义主意反映艺术家的阴谋,也寻求使其它能够见到他的世界视野。
- The trial was a travesty of justice. 这次审判嘲弄了法律的公正性。
- His trial was a travesty of justice. 对他进行审判是对正义的歪曲。
- The trial was a caricature of justice. 这次审判是对正义的滑稽模仿。
- The theory of credit rights insists on the priority of justice qua the natural rightness on the reason that, from the point of view of game theory, the world will be ruined if the strategies that betray justice are universally imitated. 预付人权坚持自然正当的公正原则的优先地位,并且认为凡是违反公正原则的策略如果被普遍模仿,世界将无法承担;同时还选择以他人为核心的关系存在论作为基础的他人原则,从“做”而不从“是”去定义人的价值,从对他人做什么的义务去界定权利。
- The trial was a mockery of justice. 这一审判是对正义的歪曲。
- Our room opened upon a view of the bay. 从我们房间可以看到海湾。
- The coming of the machine age was the next major event in shaping Western views of man, organization, and society. 机器时代的到来,是形成西方关于人、组织和社会的观点的又一个重要事件。
- His trial was a mockery of justice. 对他的审判是对正义的践踏。
- However, it expressed the superempirical essence of justice more convincingly for the trial in the hell was associated with Buddhist view of practice and Confucianist view of destiny. 无论是游历冥府所见各种阴森恐怖的“果报”,还是亲见阎罗王冥府判案,其实质都暗含着“天理昭彰”的内容,只是地狱审判和佛教的修行观、儒家的天命观相联系,更能表现出正义的超验属性。
- By a miscarriage of justice the wrong man was condemned. 由于法庭的错误判决,一个无辜的人被定了罪。
- From every window head is crane for a view of it. 每一个窗口都有人探出头来看。
- He did it in full view of the public. 他在众目睽睽之下做了那件事。
- In the past the trust-busters at the Department of Justice (DoJ) have taken a hostile view of big airline mergers, fearing that they would cut competition, raise prices and harm services. 过去司法部反托拉斯的官员们对大航空公司合并抱着敌视的态度,担心它们会削弱竞争,抬高价格并损害服务水平。
- He did the deed in view of a crowd of people. 他当着一群人的面干了这件事。
- She removed her blouse in full view of everybody. 她当着大家的面脱掉短上衣。
- The trial was a parody of justice. 这次审判是对公正的一次拙劣的模拟。