- The multi subjects of government performance evaluation originate from the western public administration theory and new public management practice. 政府绩效评估主体多元化问题,源于西方公共治理理论和新公共管理运动的实践。
- Western public management 西方公共管理
- The new publicity manager is really on the ball. 新的宣传部主任确实很内行。
- The way of public management of sexuality perhaps will shift from mopping up to regulation. 性的公共管理学路向,将可能从扫荡走向管理。
- Hampian, Ken. "Bridging the Gap Between City Hall and the Downtown." In Public Management, October 1994. 将市中心与商业区之间的距离缩短。〉,刊于《公众管理》1994年10月号。
- So there is more talk aimed at Western public opinion to frighten people who would agree, 'OK, we can give away Georgia, we don't know nothing much about Georgia, it's far off. 所以才会有许多针对西方舆论的讨论,希望让西方国家同意说,好吧,我们可以放弃格鲁吉亚,我们一点也不了解这个国家,太偏远了。
- New Public Management( NPM) advances a lot, for it breaks through the stereotype of bureaucratic control. 新公共管理打破了旧公共行政由等级制的官僚组织形式所支配的局面,有其显著的进步性。
- Let the Russians have Georgia if that can help avoid a World War.' So I believe this is basically propaganda aimed at Western public opinion," Felgenhauer said. 但是今天由于核武器的毁灭性力量,促使各方都在避免激化冲突。
- The new public management evolved in the British, which summarizes five characteristics. 发端于英国的新公共管理运动,概括起来有五方面的特征。
- Larry D Terry.Administrative leadership,neo-managerialism,and the public management movement[J].PAR,1998,Vol.58:3. 王丽莉.;新公共管理理论的内在矛盾分析[J]
- Therefore, to evaluate interregional government cooperation it is necessary to have public management point of view. 因此,考量区域政府间合作就不能缺失公共管理视角。
- NPM(new public management) is come from the revolution of government in west for the efficiency of servant. 从公务员职业化的动机机制角度看,新公共管理和国家绩效管理及战略性人力资源管理是公务员职业化的内在驱动力。
- It goes without say that the introduction of the New Public Management(NPM) Theory of the... 西方新公共管理理论的引入,无疑为我国出版许可制度的改革提供了有益的启示。
- Behn, R. B. (1995), "The Big Questions of Public Management," Public Administration Review,55, July/Aug., pp.314-324. 顾忠华(1993)。法制与信任-一个法律社会学的探讨。中国比较法学报,第十四期,第203-233页。
- But to persuade western publics to make sacrifices requires more than trying to terrify them. 说服西方公众作出牺牲要比恐吓他们需要更多的努力。
- NGO whose development is basically affected by the government, is one part in public management. NGO是公共管理的主体之一,政府是影响NGO整体发展的关键因素。
- Presently, E-government and New Public Management are the main streams of government reengineering. 摘要新公共管理与电子政务运动已成为各国政府改革的趋势。
- Compared with Old Public Administration, New Public Management( NPM) advances a lot, for it breaks through the stereotype of bureaucratic control. 新公共管理与旧公共行政相比,有其显著的进步性,因为它打破了公共行政一直由僵化的、级制的官僚组织形式所支配的局面。
- Government performance management (GPM) has become the hottest topic in the theory and practice field of public management as the continual government reform in China. 随着我国行政管理体制的持续改革,政府绩效管理日益成为公共管理理论界与实务界的热门话题。
- In the movement of new public management, the government reinventing corrected the diseases of bureaucracy such as the hugeness, the centralization and the monopoly. 摘要新公共管理浪潮中的政府再造虽然在一定程度上矫治了官僚制规模庞大、权力集中和垄断等痼疾,但并不能摈弃官僚制。