- Western philosophy tradition 西方哲学传统
- Richard Rorty is a gravedigger of the objectivism tradition of the western philosophy. 罗蒂是西方哲学客观主义传统的掘墓人。
- Modern Western philosophy and aethetics are confined to epistemological tradition and emphasize the meaning of aesthetic comprehens... 西方美学的认识论传统导致重视审美理解而忽视审美同情,中国美学偏向审美同情,二者可以互补。
- Scientism is a major part of modem western philosophy. 摘要科学主义是现代西方两大哲学思潮之一。
- Rationalism is the main trend of traditional Western philosophy. 摘要理性主义是西方哲学的主流。
- The idealistic strain in Western philosophy was carried to its highest pitch. 西方哲学中的唯心主义倾向达到了其发展的顶峰。
- There is enlightenment in a certain sense to know western philosophy again. 这对重新认识西方哲学有一定的启示。
- We need to challenge some of the basic assumptions of western philosophy. 我们有必要向西方哲学的某些基本假设提出质疑。
- Phenomenology initiates the modern turnaround of western philosophy. 现象学开启了西方哲学的现代转向。
- Nietzsche is not only the initiator of modern western philosophy but the initiator of modern bourgeois individualism. 尼采不仅是现代西方哲学开创者,而且也是现代资产阶级个人主义的开创者。
- What Russia needed, they thought, was a dose of Western philosophy and science to rationalize society. 俄罗斯有什么需要,他们认为那是一剂西方哲学和科学合理的社会。
- One branch of western philosophy, Existentialism, is very similar to Buddhist ideas. 西方哲学的一个分支存在主义与佛教的观念十分相似。
- Liberty is a category of western philosophy and politics,but what Zhuang Zi said was Peripateticism. 自由是西方政治和哲学的范畴,庄子讲的是逍遥游。
- The philosophy ideas of Zhangzai and Diderot hold an important role in Chinese and Western philosophy history. 张载和狄德罗的哲学思想在中西哲学史上独树一帜。
- In the strict sense of Western philosophy, there are levels or gradation to the nature and conception of reality. 在严格的西方哲学理解中,针对自然和实相观念存在层级或阶级。
- Metaphysics and ultimate concern are two core concepts in Western philosophy and religion. 摘要形而上学和终极关怀是西方哲学与宗教的两个核心观念。
- The modern western philosophy has been divergent on the problem that Heidegger was a phenomenologist or not. 在现代西方哲学中,对于海德格尔和现象学的关系问题历来存在着分歧。
- In the seventeenth century,western philosophy had an epistemological turn and rationalism and experientialism appeared. 在十七世纪,西方哲学发生了认识论的转向,出现了唯理论和经验论。
- His critique has the positive meaning of ani-metaPhysics andhas important position in history of western philosophy. 他的哲学具有反形而上学的积极意义,在西方哲学史上占有重要的地位。
- Western philosophy, psychological, sexology most first percussive is an undergraduate. 西方的哲学、心理学、性科学最先冲击的是大学生。