- Western industrialized economy 西方工业国家
- An industrial economy; a planned economy. 工业经济体制; 计划经济体制
- Which of the following STDs is not common in Western industrialized countries? 下列哪一种性传播疾病在西方工业化国家不常见?
- China industry economy statistical yearbook. 中国工业经济统计年鉴。
- As a result, the Western industrialized nations undertook steps to limit oil consumption. 其结果是西方工业化国家采取措施限制石油消费。
- The industrial economy is developing with a high speed. 工业经济持续高速增长。
- In the Western industrialized countries the most common STDs have long been chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis. 长期以来,在西方工业化国家,最常见的性传播疾病有衣原体感染、淋病和梅毒。
- It has been 300 years since the industrial economy started. 工业经济到现在已经有三百多年。
- In a Western industrialized society, man is more remote than ever from problems of seedtime and harvest, of sowing and of growing crops. 在西方工业化的社会里,人们对播种,收获和作物栽培等问题越来越疏远了。
- India adopted universal suffrage at the time of independence, long before the transition to a modern industrialized economy began. 第一,印度实行普选是在独立的时候,很久以后经济才发展起来。
- We in the Western industrialized nations have an incredible opportunity for restorative and regenerative change through ecotourism. 我们西方工业化国家正面临这一个天赐良机,通过生态旅游,让大自然得以休养生息,再现生机。
- Next, communistic country and developing country differ after, former it is industrialized economy, its resource configures means not to accord with market principle. 其次 ,后共产主义国家与发展中国家不同 ,前者是工业化经济 ,其资源配置方式不符合市场原则。
- The negotiations appeared stalled and possibly headed for failure, but in mid-1991 the heads of the major Western industrialized nations recommitted themselves to a successful completion of the Uruguay Round and negotiations continued through early 1992. 谈判似乎陷入僵局,而且很可能失败。 但到了1991年中期,西方各主要工业国的首脑再次表示要圆满完成“乌拉圭回合”,于是谈判一直继续到1992年初。
- It is what led generations of American workers to build an industrial economy unrivaled around the world. 正是这种精神指引世世代代的美国劳动者建成全世界无可比拟的工业经济。
- If we take aside these two bastions of western ethnocentrism, western industrialization is impossible to conceive. 离开西方中心主义派生的这两个主流,西方模式的现代化就无从谈起。
- It is what led generations of American workers to build an industrial economy unrivalled around the world. 这正是导致美国工人的一代建立一个世界无与伦比的工业经济。
- Compare Japanese and Chniese responses to western industrial powe and western imperialism. 比较日本跟中国;对西方帝国主义和西方工业的反应.
- The rapid economic development following the Civil War laid the groundwork for the modern U.S. industrial economy. 南北战争之后,经济的迅速发展为美国现代工业经济奠定了基础。
- The rise and fall of the industrial economy has influenced on literature modality of different period. 摘要工业经济的起伏动荡,对不同时期的文学形态都产生了影响。