- Western educational concept 西方教育理念
- Upgrading educational concept is the precursor of educational reform. 转变教育思想观念是深化教育改革的先导。
- Education concept:every pedagogue is a fugleman. 教育理念:每位教职工每时每刻都是示范者。
- Positive influences of educational concept featured with scientific human-centred thinking on university P.E. 科学人本主义教育思想对高校体育教育的影响。
- Boyd, W., &King, E. J(1989).The History of Western Education. 编辑部编译。西洋教育史。台北:五南图书。
- The forth is on The Emic-research of educational concept of urban Mongolian infants" parents. 第四部分是对城市蒙古族幼儿家长教育观念的主位研究。
- The fifth is on The Etic-research of educational concept of urban Mongolian infants" parents. 第五部分是对城市蒙古族幼儿家长教育观念的客位研究。
- CAI is an educational concept that places the student in a conversational mode with a computer that has a preprogrammed study plan. CAI是一种教育思想,它使学生在计算机进行对话的过程中学习。
- As a famous educationalist in western educational history, Johann Amos Comenius took over from the past and set a new course for the future, his educational theories and practice were leading at that time, which still enlighten and inspire us today. 夸美纽斯是西方教育史上起着承前启后作用的教育家,他的教育思想和教育实践在当时是超前的,至今,对我们仍有启示和示范作用。
- Citifying and modernizing that have greatly influenced Mongolian parents" mind has led to the co-existence of traditional upbringing attitude and modern educational concept. 蒙古族家庭是对民族幼儿实施教育的最小社会单位,是传承民族文化的最初场所和重要的途径。
- Up to now, her monographs of care theory have been translated into five kinds of languages and introduced into different countries so that it has become the powerful theory in western educational theory. 迄今为止,她的关心理论的专著已被翻译成五国的语言并被介绍到许多不同的国家,成为西方教育理论中的强音。
- The author proposes using STS educational concept as a guiding ideology in IT teaching can better achieve the goal of improving the students’ IT qualities. 笔者认为将STS教育理念作为信息技术教学的指导思想,可以更好地实现提高学生信息素养这一教学目标。
- As a famous educationalist in western educational history,Johann Amos Comenius took over from the past and set a new course for the future,his educational theories and practice were leading at that time,which still enlighten and inspire us today. 夸美纽斯是西方教育史上起着承前启后作用的教育家,他的教育思想和教育实践在当时是超前的,至今,对我们仍有启示和示范作用。
- After reviewing the main ideas of subjectivism in western educational administration,the author analyzes the epistemological base on which the subjectivism in educational administration builds. 文章在简要地介绍了西方主观主义教育管理理论的形成及其主要观点并稍作评析之后,进而分析了其赖以建构的知识论基础。
- As one of the latest teaching theories of western educational psychology,the Constructivist Theory provides us an important and new view for our in-depthunderstanding of teaching and learning. 建构主义理论作为西方教育心理的最新教学理论,为我们深入理解教和学的现象提供了重要而崭新的视角。
- It was Rong Hong's plan that each receive 15 years of western education before returning to serve China. 容红的计划是让每个人接受十五年的西方教育以后,回中国效忠。
- This does not only reflect Confucian educational concept, but also yield great influences upon the present education. 这不仅是孔子教育思想的精华,而且对现代学校的教育也无不具有重要的启迪意义。
- What's the difference of Chinese education and western education? It's merits and shortage! 东西方文化教育的差异和利蹩!
- Fundamentally, we will lead you step in bridging the gap between the Chinese and Western education systems. 基本上我们将会引导你一步步地缩小中西方教育体系间的差距。
- Today's internationalisation of education is mainly based on the Western education system. 迄今的高等教育国际化,仍以西方为尊。