- In the western developed countries, the ESO salary system has taken the place of the traditional salary system. 在西方发达国家,以ESO为主体的薪酬制度已经取代了传统薪酬制度。
- Given this background, if the Western developed countries insisted on interfering in other countries' internal affairs and social systems. 在这样的背景下,如果西方发达国家坚持干涉别国内政,干涉别国的社会制度
- Second like western developed countries China has developed a colonist policy in relation to Africa, and some South East Asian countries. 因为快速发展的经济需要,中国正在向这些国家进口木材,矿物和石油。
- Nevertheless,power politics is escalating,and a few Western developed countries wish to monopolize the world. This is something of which we are very aware. 但是,强权政治在升级,少数几个西方发达国家想垄断世界,这点我们看得很清楚。
- Nevertheless, power politics is escalating, and a few Western developed countries wish to monopolize the world. This is something of which we are very aware. 但是,强权政治在升级,少数几个西方发达国家想垄断世界,这点我们看得很清楚。
- Teacher organizations are an important part of civil society in western developed countries, and they play a consequential role in the state political life and education reform. 教师组织是西方发达国家公民社会的重要组成部分,在国家的政治生活和教育改革与发展中发挥着举足轻重的作用。
- However, due to economists' epistemological demerits in the Western developed countries, they failed to establish a scientific and complete theory and model of economic growth. 现代经济增长理论及模型的建立强调科学技术进步、人力资本积累对经济增长的促进作用。
- The sexual education (SE), which is regarded as the basic method of improving RPHA, has been studied and practiced for several decades in the Western developed countries. 性教育作为改善青少年生殖健康的基本措施,在西方发达国家中已经进行了大量的探索和研究,并已取得了一定的成绩。
- In the l970s, the western developed countries launched the movement of "Government Reinventing" under the banner of "Managerialism" against the defects of Bureaucracy. 摘要20世纪70年代,针对官僚制的弊端,西方发达国家发起了以“管理主义”为旗帜的“政府再造”运动。
- At the end of 1994 China's prisons had a total of 1.286 million prisoners,or 10.7 persons per 10,000 of China's total population,which is much lower than the figure of 56.5 persons per 10,000 in some Western developed countries. 1994底,中国监狱的在押犯总数为128.;6万人,占全国人口的10
- Compared with the rate of imprisonment of 4.13 per thousand in one of the Western developed countries according to 1990 statistics of its ministry of justice,China's rate is quite low. 这与西方有的发达国家司法部1990年统计的其监禁率为4.;13‰相比,是相当低的。
- Productive service industry has become a department developing quickest in the economic structure of the western developed countries. 摘要生产性服务业已经成为西方发达国家经济结构中增长最快的部门。
- When the economic globalization barreled in,the western developed countries passed the tax system reform project in succession for obtaining the active position in international competition. 经济全球化浪潮袭来之时,为了在国际竞争中取得主动地位,西方发达国家纷纷通过了各自的税制改革方案。
- The development of MCF is relatively mature if we take a look on this sector from the perspective of western developed countries. 从西方发达国家来看,其管理咨询企业到今天已经发展到了一个较为成熟的阶段。
- As an important incentive mechanism, Executive Stock Option (hereafter referred to as ESO) has got the extensive application in the western developed country. 作为一种重要的激励机制,经营者股票期权(ExecutiVe Stock Option,以下简称ESO)在西方发达国家得到了广泛的应用。
- Western developed country, identifying humanness birthday to be sure commonly basically serve for the middle class, suit the person of income of medium or medium above to buy. 西方发达国家,一般认为人寿保险主要是为中产阶级服务的,适合中等或中等以上收入的人购买。
- France is one of the develop countries. 法国是发达国家之一。
- Many transport workers and governments begin to give priority to the public transit development, to achieve the sustainable development and urban land use intensification,and to avoid the heavy car trips in Western developed countries. 许多交通工作者和城市政府开始注重优先发展公共交通,实现城市土地集约化利用和可持续发展,以避免重走西方发达国家以小汽车出行为主的老路。
- Argentina has kept enviable economic growth for many other developing countries during 1990s, which is regarded as a successful model to put Neoliberalism in practice for western developed countries. 阿根廷在20世纪90年代取得了令大多数发展中国家羡慕的经济发展,同时也被西方发达国家视为实施新自由主义改革取得成功的“榜样”。
- Different from western developed country, small towns in the suburb of metropolitan area have not been flourishing universally in the background of urbanization and suburbanization. 与西方国家不同,在集聚城市化背景下的郊区化,使得中国的大都市郊区小城镇未能获得普遍的繁荣。