- Western aesthetics series build the Louvre of flooring in the 21st century. 西方美学系列筑造一座21世纪的地板罗浮宫。
- This part recites primary definitions of "image" in history of western aesthetics and literary theory of Ancient China. 本部分首先对西方美学史上和中国古代文论中关于“意象”内涵的界定进行梳理,在对两者进行比较的基础上确立本文的立足点。
- The quarrel foreboded the impossibility and the possibility of the dialogue between western Aesthetics and Chinese Aesthetics. 苏格拉底和希庇阿斯的一场问答预示了西方美学和中国美学对话的不可能性与可能性。
- The main discrepancy between Chinese and western aesthetics refers to "implicitness" in Chinese aesthetics and "explicitness" in western aesthetics. 摘要中西美学观的主要差异是中国美学讲究“含蓄”,而西方关学崇尚“外显”。
- It signals a shift of western aesthetics from the epistemological contemplation to the existential understanding of life, the significance of which is epochal. 它标志着西方美学由思辨的认识论美学到人生的存在论美学的转向,具有划时代的意义。
- It is a serious mistake in the 20 century's research about western aesthetics that many researchers regard Gadamer's Hermeneutics-Aesthetics as reader-centered theory literarily. 望文生义地认为伽达默尔的解释学美学也是一种读者中心理论,这是20世纪西方美学史研究的一个严重失误。
- The theory of symbolic aesthetics,as an important part of Cassirer's symbolic philosophy,possesses a wide and profound influence on western aesthetics in the 20th century . 德国学者卡西尔的符号论美学理论,作为其独特的符号哲学的一个重要组成部分,对20世纪西方美学产生了广泛而深远的影响。
- At least on the view of the Western aesthetics history among the whole Aesthetics, Socrates and Wise thought quite close, however, with their own unique philosophy. 西方美学史在美学上,苏格拉底与智者派还是十分接近的,但也有其独特的哲学思想.
- Western aesthetics and poetics are interlinked with Marxist aesthetic and literary thoughts. 摘要西方美学和诗学,是与马克思主义美学和文艺思想相通的。
- "Intuition" is the core of Croce's aesthetics, a general concept in the western esthetics. “直觉”是克罗齐美学思想的核心范畴,也是西方美学中的一个普泛性概念。
- Schelling's aesthetic thought has great influences on German aesthetics at his time and the late history of western aesthetics. 他的美学思想对当时及后世都产生了极大的影响。
- Chinese aesthetes, influenced by western aesthetics, traditional classifies the forms of beauty into elegance, loftiness (or majesticity), tragedy, comedy, farce, and humor. 关于美的形态分类,我国美学界由于受西方美学界的影响,一般分为优美、崇高(或壮美)、悲剧(或悲)、喜剧(或喜)、滑稽、幽默等。
- A General Survey of Western Aesthetics 西方美学通论
- The three factors advanced by Thomas Aquinas, the aesthete of the Middle Ages wields immense influence on the western aesthetic history. 中世纪美学家托马斯·阿奎那提出的美的三要素说在西方美学史上产生了重大影响。
- History of the western Aesthetics 西方美学史
- Greece was the cradle of Western civilization. 希腊是西方文明的发祥地。
- Hence, the aporia of aesthetic myth writing derived from Gnosticism's dualism, which was represented in western aesthetic history of Prometheus myth writings. 因此,审美神话的寓言式书写困境承诺斯替主义二元论而来,在西方审美思想史上绵延不绝的普罗米修斯神话创作中见出。
- Among Chinese aesthetician in the 20th century, Zong Baihua is the first person who investigates the discrepancy between Chinese and Western aesthetic spacial consciousness. 在20世纪中国美学家中,宗白华第一个研究了中西审美空间意识的差异。
- Gold prices on Western markets jumped. 西方市场上的黄金价格暴涨。
- Later, a British Embassy in North Korea's envoys Western aesthetic point of view for the surface Taiji Bagua flag had been amended to remove the four baguazhang hexagram. 后来,一名英国驻朝鲜的使节用西方美学的角度为这面太极八卦旗做了修改,去掉了八卦中的四卦。