- Modernism demonstrates the essence of Chinese classical verses by many images of" mirror", which echoes Western modernism of verses. “现代派”通过笔下众多的镜子意象,发掘了中国古典诗学的精髓,也与西方的“现代派”诗学主张达成契合。
- Mao Dun's accepting way to western modernism has both similarity and differences with that of the developing new wave literature. 茅盾对现代主义的接受方式及其遭遇,与今天我们正在发展着的新潮文学对西方现代主义的接受方式既有着相似之处,也有着许多不同。
- Modernism demonstrates the essence of Chinese classical verses by many images of "mirror", which echoes Western modernism f verses. “现代派”通过笔下众多的镜子意象,发掘了中国古典诗学的精髓,也与西方的“现代派”诗学主张达成契合。
- Mao Dun's theoretical study, accepting way and experience to western modernism is comparable on proposition with the use and lessons of the new wave literature in new times. 茅盾对于西方现代主义的理论研究、受方式和经验教训,同新时期新潮文学对于现代主义的运用和借鉴具有论题的可比性。
- Finally, Descartes' philosophy promoted the construction of western modern scientific theory. 最后,笛卡尔哲学促进了西方近代科学理论的建构。
- Contemporary young modern dancers entered this field with curiosity and fidelity for Western modern dance. 当代年轻的现代舞人大都带着对于西方现代舞的新奇和虔诚感进入这一领域。
- Western modern scientific development began with the method of "value part more than the whole" in Copernicus period. 西方近现代科学的发展,始于哥白尼时期重部分轻整体方法的应用。
- Impressionism affected the whole of Europe and became the start of Western modern painting. 从此,“印象派”从法国开始影响整个欧洲,成为西方现代绘画的起点。
- The psychologized western modern psychology was the necessary result of the subjectification of psyche. 心理学化的现代西方心理学是心灵主体化逻辑发展的必然产物。
- With this ceremony the western modern architecture salutes to traditional aesthetics in the east. 以此仪式,西方现代建筑向东方传统美学致敬。
- Ms.Berman said she was hired for her familiarity with Western modern dance rather than a deep knowledge of China. 贝尔曼女士说,她得到这个工作是由于对西方现代舞的熟悉,而不是因为她深入了解中国。
- From the above mentioned, western modern theoretical psychology, first of all, has to face the challenge lashed up by positivism. 现代西方理论心理学面临的挑战首先是要面对实证主义心理学的诘难。
- Wu Wei-shan has made a creative exploration in the field, and his freehand brushwork is a combination of traditional Chinese aesthetics and western modernism which is a pure sculpture from a particular perspective. 吴为山的创作在此进行了有益的探索,他的“写意雕塑”既有鲜明的中国传统美学特征,同时也是西方现代主义影响的产物,从一个特定角度看,这是一种纯粹意义上的雕塑。
- This kind of resident pattern keeps away from the same western modern urban mode and turns into urban modality with Chinese character. 这里的居住格局避开千城一面的西方现代化城市模式,发展成中国性格的城市形态。
- Many well-known Western modern dance experts were invited to China successively to give systematic training in shape and choreography. 陆续邀请西方著名现代舞专家,进行系统的形体及编舞法训练。
- Kafka was thought to be the origin of Western Modernism Literature, with whom many trends of literature claim ties of blood, Existentialism, Surrealism, Magical Realism, Theater of Absurdity, and French New Novel are some among them. 卡夫卡被认为是西方现代主义文学的源头,在他之后的存在主义文学、超现实主义文学、魔幻现实主义文学、荒诞派戏剧甚至法国“新小说”等流派都与其渊源深厚。
- Obviously, western modern art and back modern art have their negative sides, and have already produced some abominable influence. 西方的现代、后现代艺术确有其消极的一面,并已经产生了一些有目共睹的恶劣影响。
- Arthur Schopenhauer, as the pioneer of western modern irrationalism and humanism, has rich thoughts and make a profound impact. 叔本华作为西方现代非理性主义和人本主义哲学的开创者,其思想内容丰富,影响深远。
- Schopenhauer's Volitionism, the Existentialism, Nietzsche's superman philosophy, Floyd'Psychoanalysis, Bergson's Intuitionism . etc, provide the theoretical basis of the aesthetics thinking and creation method for the western modernism novels. 叔本华的唯意志论、存在主义、尼采的超人哲学、弗洛依德的精神分析学、柏格森的直觉主义等,为西方现代主义小说从美学思想到创作方法提供了理论依据。
- Thomas Aquinas epitomized the overall medieval aesthetics thought, who exerted important influence on the development of western modern aesthetics. 摘要托马斯?阿奎那是中世纪美学思想的集大成者,对西方近现代美学思想发展也有重大影响。