- Taihua complex from the Xiaoqinling area western Henan, consists of supracrustal sequence and granitic gneisses. 小秦岭地区太华杂岩以多种产状出露于表壳岩系和花岗质片麻岩中,经历了角闪岩相变质作用。
- Later we moved out of the Dabie Mountains and reached western Henan, where we established the enlarged Central Plains Bureau and the Central Plains Military Command. 后来,转出大别山,以后到了豫西,成立扩大的中原局和中原军区。
- The Ruzhou coalfield lies at the front part of thrusting nappe structural zone western Henan sector,south margin of the North China plate. 汝州煤田位于华北板块南缘逆冲推覆构造带豫西段前锋部位,区内逆冲推覆构造较发育。
- "Zhai Village in Xingtai County party branch secretary, responsible for the conversion market in western Henan贾文忠people full of hope told reporters. 邢台县翟村村支书、豫西市场改建工程负责人贾文忠满怀希望地告诉记者。
- Later we moved out of the Dabie Mountains and reached western Henan,where we established the enlarged Central Plains Bureau and the Central Plains Military Command. 后来,转出大别山,以后到了豫西,成立扩大的中原局和中原军区。
- The Carboniferous bauxite deposits in the western Henan Province occur on the planation paleosurface and was deposited in epicontinental seas or lakes of the North China Block. 豫西石炭系铝土矿形成于华北古夷平面上,沉积于华北陆表海-湖泊环境中。
- The test results on wire line diamond drilling in Xiaoqinlinggold ore field of Western Henan and using prospects of the system are discussed in this pa-per. 讨论了该系统在豫西小秦岭金矿田绳索取心钻进应用试验效果及前景。
- "This was built in the early 80 century on the western Henan market, now has become a dangerous stores, most idle, it is imperative demolition remediation. “这个建于上世纪80年代初的豫西市场,如今门店已经成了危房,大部分闲置,拆迁整治势在必行。
- On the basis of O,Pb and C isotopic studies of many gold deposits in western Henan,The authors suggest that the ore-forming fluid of gold deposits is deep flow. 通过对豫西众多金矿床的氧、铅、碳同位素的研究,认为豫西金矿的成矿流体是一种在长期地质演化过程中形成的广泛均一化的深部地壳流体。
- Introduction贾文忠said: "The western Henan market are occupied by our collective village land, shops are rented to foreign business people, the rent to the whole people. 贾文忠介绍说:“豫西市场占用的是我们村的集体土地,商铺都出租给外来做生意的人,租金归全民所有。
- The author shows that the high-angle normal faults trending in NE and NW directions in the block faulted structure of Western Henan were subjected to the process containing shearing and tension successively. 并指出豫西断块构造中的NE、NW向高角度正断层经历了先剪后张的两次活动。
- The eastern part of the western Henan province is covered with eolian loess and alluvial or diluvial loess.The Holocene and Late Pleistocene loess have low to moderate collapsibility. 摘要豫西东部堆积了第四纪不同时期的风成黄土及冲积、冲洪积黄土状土,全新统黄土、上更新统黄土具有湿陷性,为弱-中等湿陷。
- Western Henan Anti-Japanese Democratic Base Area 豫西抗日民主根据地
- Boldly Driving into Western Henan 挺进豫西
- Mountainous area of western Henan province 豫西山区
- mountain and hill area in western Henan Province 豫西山丘区
- Greece was the cradle of Western civilization. 希腊是西方文明的发祥地。
- Gold prices on Western markets jumped. 西方市场上的黄金价格暴涨。
- The Western scientists of the day didn't know it. 当时的西方科学家还不知道这一点。