- Western Han Dynesty 西汉
- Cai Lun: A Chinese eunuch and prominent court official of the East Han Dynesty who invented papermaking in AD 105. 蔡伦:东汉朝代的宦官。他在公元105年的时候发明造纸术。
- Since the Western Han Dynasty, infantryman rose in a large amount. 自西汉以后,步兵大量兴起。
- Sima Qian (145 ~86 BC) was such an extensively traveled Western Han historian. 司马迁(公元前145一公元前86年)就是这样的一位曾四处游历的西汉历史学家。
- Wooden Carriage with a Seated Driver of the Western Han Dynasty from Wuwei. 双辕,驾一木马的西汉木安车在甘肃武威出土。
- The Chinese Silk Road was constructed under the western Han Emperor Wudi. 中国的丝绸之路是汉武帝在位时开辟的。
- When the Western Han Jincheng County, the first home Jincheng County. 西汉时属金城郡,首置金城县。
- Lishi County, home of the Western Han Dynasty, which is River County. 西汉置离石县,属西河郡。
- In the early years of the Western Han Dynasty, the Western Regions were under the rule of the Xiongnu. 西汉之初,西域各地处在匈奴统治之下。
- In the early years of the Western Han Dynasty,the Western Regions were under the rule of the Xiongnu. 西汉之初,西域各地处在匈奴统治之下。
- Generally speaking,conscription system played a main role during the early Western Han. 大体而言 :西汉初期以征兵为主 ;
- The Western Han Dynasty (206B.C.-a.D.23.) was very powerful during Emperor Wudi's reign. 汉武帝时,西汉国势已经非常强盛。
- In the communications of economy and materials between Western Han Dynasty and Hun. 随着匈奴与中原经济盛衰的转变,大量人口往来流动于匈汉之间。
- In the Western Han Dynasty (206B.C.- a.D.24), li calligraphy made further progress. 西汉时,书法中隶体的成分进一步增加。
- I'll visit the Museum of the Western Han Dynasty of the NanYue King. Really that's something! Really that's Gorgeous! 我参观了西汉南越王朝博物馆,真是太好了!真是太华丽了!
- Towards the end of the Western Han Dynasty, tea was regarded as the drink of imperial and noble families. 到了西汉末年,茶成为宫廷和贵族家庭的饮料。
- In the Western Han Dynasty, the mature regional markets were developed in the Huaihai region. 摘要西汉时期,淮海地区形成了较为成熟的区域市场。
- Dong Zhongshu is the most important political philosopher of the Western Han dynasty. 董仲舒是西汉时代最重要的政治哲学家。
- Han's for high density, the Western Han Dynasty, Emperor Ai Pushe Guanzhi Book, "Han Dynasty" in the Chuan. 桓帝时,一批比较正直的士家豪族和“名士”出身的封建官僚,联合3万多大学生,一起反对宦官集团。
- A pottery kiln, dated to the middle and late Western Han dynasty, was excavated by the Laohekou City Museum in 1999. 摘要1999年,老河口市博物馆配合柴店岗砖厂取土,抢救清理了1座西汉中晚期陶窑。