- The enemy made a push on the western front. 敌人在西线发动猛攻。
- It was K Company's welcome to the Western Front. 是为K连在西线所受欢迎。
- They will fly the soldiers over to the Western front. 他们将用飞机将战士送往西部前线。
- The portals of the great western front are bisected by square pillars. 正西那些大门都由方柱拦成两半。
- He commanded five armies on the western front now. A million and a half men were under his command. 目前他统率西线五个军,共一百五十万人。
- It probably took part in Ardennes offensive and then was employed on the Western Front (Rhein and Karlsruhe area). 它可能参加了阿登反击战和西线(莱茵和卡尔斯鲁厄地区)的战斗。
- Allied action on the Western front during Hitler's conquest of Poland was derisory. 在希特勒占领波兰期间,盟军在西线几乎没有动作。
- In the First World War, a British divisional intelligence officer on the Western Front built a home from home. 第一次世界大战期间,西部战线英军一个师有一名情报员,在异乡建立了他的家。
- Yet he hardly expected the Germans to recover sufficiently to launch the stunning surprise that burst on the Western Front. 可是他万万没有料到,德军竟能重整旗鼓,恢复元气,发动一次令人震惊的奇袭,猛扑西线。
- During the First World War Allenby commanded the cavalry division of the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) on the Western Front. 在一战中,艾伦比在西线的英国远征军中指挥一个骑兵师。
- The allied attitude towards snipers was hard on the western front, it was due to these kind of events the German snipers fought so fanatical. 在西线,由于这些顽固的德军狙击手造成的巨大伤亡,盟军官兵对他们的态度可以说是冷酷无情的。
- In mid-December 1944, SHAEF intelligence had missed altogether the gathering of the largest army the Germans ever put together on the Western Front. 12月中旬,最高统帅部情报部门未能发现西线德军最大规模集结。
- I was first assigned to a reserve regiment, went through basic training, then became an infantryman on the Western Front. 最初在预备团接受基础训练,之后作为一名步兵加入了西方面军。
- The western front 1917 : Captain Blackadder, joined the British Army when it was little more than a travel agency for gentlemen with an abnormally high sex drive. 1917年的西线:黑爵士加入英军,可是军队比较像一间旅行社,给性欲异常高涨的绅士结识伴侣。
- During the First World War, Kahn dispatched his photographers to the battlefields, where they recorded in detail the everyday lives of French troops fighting on the Western Front. 在一战期间,卡恩指派他的摄影师去战场,记录西线上战斗着的法国军队生活的点滴。
- We moved into the outskirts of this built-up area, and the whole place was just incredibly dug in, easily as extensively as anything on the western front in WWI. 我们来到了一个高楼林立的城市市郊,这片地区令人难以置信地布满了防御工事,就如同一战时期西线战场一样广阔。
- Rommel, who had lost the favor of Hitler after Tunisian Campaign and had been demoted to a post in Northern Italy for some time, was now recalled to an important position, the commander of Army Group B in the Western Front. 隆美尔将军在突尼斯战役后,曾经一度失去希特勒的宠爱,被降职到意大利的北部,此刻他又被重新启用,调到诺曼底担任一个重要职务:西线的B集团军司令。
- Greece was the cradle of Western civilization. 希腊是西方文明的发祥地。
- Jie Ling: There is no impact because of the location of cholera in the western part of Hainan Island, the current tour to Hainan tourism, basically do not follow the Western Front, are all going east. 张陵捷:目前没有影响,因为发生霍乱的地点,在海南岛的西部,目前国内的旅游团,去海南旅游,基本上都不走西线,全部都是走东线。
- At Christmas 1914, an unofficial truce came into operation at many points on the Western Front, and German soldiers started exchanging cigarettes, schnapps and chocolate with their enemy. 一九一四年圣诞节,西部战线多处实行非正式休战,德军和敌人交换香烟、烈酒、巧克力等。