- This is an important task of the Western China Development Office. 这是今年西部开发办的一项重要工作。
- This year substantive step must be made so that western China and middle part of China development can have a good start. 西部开发今年就要迈出实质性步伐,为加快中西部发展开好头,起好步。
- The policy of financial transfer payment on the in Western China development project. 继续推进西部大开发战略的财政转移支付政策。
- III. Direction of formulating policy and measures for western China development. 三、研究制定西部开发政策措施的方向
- At present,all related organizations of the State Council are formulating policies and measures,which can help western China development. 目前,国务院各有关部门正在研究制定有利于促进西部开发的政策措施。
- The midterm target of western China development is to work harder to make obvious progress in infrastructure construction,industrial structure adjustment,ecological environment protection,development of science and education in the next five to ten years. 西部开发还要有中期的奋斗目标,切实加大工作力度,今后五到十年,力争在基础设施建设、生态环境保护和建设、产业结构调整、科技教育发展等主要方面,取得明显进展。
- To bring every positive factor from society. What western China development needs is not only supports from state and all walks of life,but also self-dependence and hard work of all people in western China. 坚持调动社会各方面的积极性,西部大开发既要有国家和各方面的支持,更要靠中西部广大干部群众自力更生、艰苦奋斗。
- To lay stress on key points,and to be aware that there are things must be done and things must not be done. To do things according to time and place,to give full play to advantages,and to link western China development with local economic restructuring. 坚持突出重点,有所为、有所不为,因地制宜,发挥优势,把加快西部发展同地区经济结构调整结合起来。
- To bring every positive factor from society. What western China development needs is not only supports from state and all walks of life, but also self-dependence and hard work of all people in western China. 六是坚持调动社会各方面的积极性,西部大开发既要有国家和各方面的支持,更要靠中西部广大干部群众自力更生、艰苦奋斗。
- Relevant policy regulations for western China development shall apply to PARP young volunteers, as PARP is a concrete measure to realize the plan of tapping human resources in western China. 参加扶贫接力计划并在中西部艰苦边远地区服务的青年志愿者,可按有关规定禽艰苦边远地区津贴。
- the Western China development drive 西部大开发
- Overall Control of Regional Advance for Western China Development 统筹区域发展积极推进西部大开发
- direction of formulating policy and measures for western China development. 研究制定西部开发政策措施的方向
- In the past 20 years ,china develop at high rapid. 在过去的20年中,中国一直高速向前发展。
- Vietnam and Western China now beckon. 如今越南和中国西部在招手。
- THE EFFECTS OF LATE COMER: THE DISADVANTAGES AND ADVANTAGES OF THE LATE COMER--Implication to Western China Development 迟发展效应的后发劣势与后发优势--对西部大开发的启示
- Protection of policy and rules on grassland ecology in western china development 西部大开发中草原生态的政策法律保护
- A Tentative probe into Sun Yet - sen's Strategic vision of western china Development 孙中山西部开发战略构想初探
- Water resources in Western China are of special concern. 西部地区的水资源尤为令人关注。
- Construction Project of Beijing East China Development Ltd. 北京华东开发有限公司建设项目。