- Macao is a bridge to mingle the west and east culture and to link the sides of channel. 澳门社会是中西文化融合,同时也是连结海峡两岸的桥梁。
- As an important part of west and east culture, Chinese and western lyric Poetry become the symbol system and information storage of ancestors' spirit-pursuing, emotional life and living style in cultural circles. 中西抒情诗作为东西文化的一个重要组成部分,成为两地先民精神追求、感生活、存方式在文化领域的符号体系和信息储存。
- West and East culture 中西方文化
- Only Berlin itself, though split into west and east sectors, retained fourpower status. 只有柏林本身,虽然也被分成东西两部分,但仍然维持着四强共管的局面。
- It played an important role during the spread of Catholicism in China and improved the mutual understanding between the West and East. 自鸣钟在天主教传华的历史进程中扮演了至关重要的角色,成为东西方相互了解的媒介。
- To be more specific, for all Western Medias know, there are profound historic reason and East culture background behind China's present social and politic system. 往更深层次分析,西方媒体并不了解,中国之所以形成现在的社会政治制度。有着非常深的历史成因和东方文化背景。
- Its South Bund vantage point affords unparalleled view of the West and East sides of the Huang Pu River. 从南外滩优越的地理位置能尽赏到浦江两岸的旖旎风光。
- During the night-morning the coalition units continued to encircle the city from west and east. 夜间联军继续从东、西两个方向包围城市(巴格达)。
- Unfortunately, the gulf between West and East has never been greater than that between American soldiers and Iraqis. 不幸的是,美国士兵与伊拉克人的隔阂远比东西方之间的不同大出很多。
- LGV is common in Central and South America, West and East Africa, and South East Asia. 尽管在一些国家的港口城市有所发现,但是在其他地方罕见。
- There is a horizontal banner respectively on both west and east side of the building. 这座楼的西侧和东侧各有一幅横标。
- The Soviets staged a two-pronged attempt to break the siege, striking from both west and east on 27 August. 8月27日,苏军从西面和东面展开进攻,打算通过两个阶段来打破德军的围城。
- Portugal is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the west and south and by Spain to the north and east. 葡萄牙的西部和南部是大西洋的海岸,北部和东部邻西班牙。
- It forms the mainland of Great Britain and consists of three countries: Scotland in the north ,wales in the west and England in the south and east . 不列颠岛即英国的本土,它由三个国家组成:北面是苏格兰,西面是威尔士。南面和东面是英格兰。
- In the case of the Sumatra quake, the seismic fault fan north to south beneath the ocean floor, while the tsunami waves shot out west and east. 苏门答腊地震断层在洋底自北向南成扇形展开,而海啸巨浪则自西向东扑向海岸。
- In marrying the emotion of western music drama with the exoticism of the Chinese music tradition, Sacrifice is a perfect synthesis of west and east. 牺牲-把西方音乐剧与中国传统音乐完美的结合在一起。
- Located in the Songbei area, the layout is typical with the main building in the center with twin buildings on west and east sides. 位于哈尔滨市松北新区,建筑布局主楼居中、东西配楼分居两侧。
- The Ordos basin was deeper in south and west and shallower in north and east with basin center in south earlier and migrated to north gradually later. 盆地南深北浅、西深东浅,早期湖盆中心在南部,晚期逐渐向北迁移。
- Being the westernmost country of mainland Europe, Portugal is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the west and south and by Spain to the north and east. 除了欧洲大陆的领土以外,大西洋的亚速群岛和马德拉群岛都是葡萄牙的领土。澳门在1999年交还中国前,曾是葡萄牙的殖民地。
- My country Bassinet of east culture. 祖国东方文明的摇篮。