- Web reference service 网上参考咨询
- You need to add or update your Web reference to the MapPoint Web service. 您需要添加或更新您的网站提及MapPoint Web服务。
- Gets the base URL of the Web reference. 获取Web引用的基URL。
- In your client project, add a Web reference and a synchronous call to the Web service. 在客户端项目中,添加对Web服务的Web引用以及同步调用。
- ASP.NET Web Site projects store the Web Service URL as an AppSetting entry for each Web Reference. ASP.;NET网站项目存储Web服务URL作为每个Web引用的AppSetting项。
- Add Reference. This creates in the class library, a Web reference to the Web service you created. 此操作将在类库中创建一个对已创建的Web服务的Web引用。
- Virtual reference service(VRS) as a new model of reference service is derived from the development of web and the informationization of the hospitals. 数字参考咨询是图书馆随着网络化环境发展,医院信息化进程而衍生的一种新型参考咨询服务方式。
- This endpoint represents the connection from the Web reference in the class library project to the Web service. 此终结点表示从类库项目中的Web引用到Web服务的连接。
- Digital reference service(DRS) as a new model of reference service is derived from the development of web and the informationization of the hospitals. 数字参考咨询是图书馆参考咨询服务工作,是随着网络化环境发展和医院信息化进程而衍生的一种新型参考咨询服务方式。
- Make a note of the name for the Web reference namespace. 记下Web引用命名空间的名称。
- The HelloWorld Web service method appears in the left pane of the Add Web Reference dialog box. HelloWorld Web服务方法出现在“添加Web引用”对话框的左窗格中。
- Method queries the reference service for a name for the given object. 方法会向引用服务查询给定对象的名称。
- The Add Web Reference dialog box displays the two methods advertised by your proxy Web service. Add Web Reference对话框会显示由代理Web服务公布的两个方法。
- Whitlatch, Jo Bell. Reference Service Effectiveness. [J].RQ, Winter 1990. 潘卫.;虚拟参考服务的质量内涵解析[J]
- Hand authoring requires that you have a Web reference in place so that you can reference the type of the Web service in the code of your unit test. 手动编写需要将Web引用放到正确位置,这样便可以在单元测试的代码中引用Web服务的类型。
- Reference services were also well used during the year. 年内,参考服务的使用率也甚为理想。
- Foreign self-funded job referral service agencies are disallowed. 不得设立外商独资职业介绍机构。
- After adding a Web reference to your current project, you can use any element or functionality provided by that Web service within your application. 将Web引用添加到当前项目后,可以在应用程序中使用该Web服务提供的任何元素或功能。
- In this case, the process of generating unit tests starts an ASP.NET Development Server for the Web service and adds a Web reference to the test project. 在此情况下;生成单元测试的过程将为Web服务启动ASP.;NET Development Server;并向测试项目中添加Web引用。
- Web reference services 网上参考咨询