- We will contact you ASAP. 我们会尽快与您联系。
- If we do find it,we will contact you. 如果我们找到,会立即跟您联系。
- We will contact you asap! 我们会尽快与您联系!
- We will contact you again if the need arises. 如果有必要,我们会再次和你联系。
- If we do find it, we will contact you. 如果我们找到,会立即跟您联系。
- We will contact you if it is located. 如果找到了,我们会与您联络。
- If we do find it (them) we will contact you immediately. 如果我们找到,会立刻跟您联络。
- Please fill in the followings and we will contact you soon! 请填写下列资料,我们会立即与您联系!
- Please send your enquires, we will contact you as soon as possible. 请填写下列表格,我们将尽快与您联系。
- Please fill in here your needs, the first teme we will contact you! 您可以在线提交订单,我们接到订单会根据您留下的相关资料进行相关处理后与您联系。
- TSC will arrange transport for you before &after seminar. Any question please post here our meeting manager Crystal will contact you asap. TSC将免费安排车接送;您可以在这里提问,本次研讨会的会议经理将会讯速回应。
- We will contact you again if we need that type of equipment at a later date. 如果以后我们需要那种设备,我们会再和您联络。
- If you are interested in this position, please send your resume to weicl@cn.ibm.com with title "apply for intern". If you are qualified, I will contact you ASAP. 注:已经投过简历的同学请不要再投,谢谢合作!由于应聘的同学较多,恕不能一一回复,敬请谅解!
- We will contact you by telephone as soon as the formalities are completed. 手续一办好我们就打电话通知你。
- Please fill in the order form as follows, and we will contact you at once. 请填好以下表单,我们将立即与你联系!
- Upon receipt of the payment, we will contact you to confirm the application. 汇款收到后会与您联系,确认报名成功。
- NB: If you register on line we will contact you with your access details. 注:如果您进行了在线注册,我们将为您的访问详细资料联系您。
- Please leave your questions here and we will reply you ASAP. 对于产品有关的问题;请留下您的疑问;我们会尽快给您回覆的.
- Later,after we have collected sufficient information,we will contact you and request a demonstration. 再过些时,我们收集了足够的资料后,我们会和您联络并要求示范产品。
- In the box below you please input the correct information, we will contact you as soon as possible, thank you! 请在下面方框中输入您的正确信息,我们将尽快与您联系,谢谢!