- We spent a lot of nights alone 一起挨过了无数个寂寞的夜晚
- We spent a lot of time sightseeing in Beijing. 我们花了很多时间在北京观光。
- We spent a lot of time together. 我们在一起度过很多时光。
- We spent a lot of time getting our offices right. 为了找到合适的办公室我们花了很长时间。
- We spend a lot of time practising out of class. 我们在课外练习上花了很多时间。
- We spent a lot of time practicing English out of class. 我们在课外花了许多时间。
- We spent a lot of time learning about the difficulties of English money. 为了了解复杂的英国币制,我们花了很多时间。
- Yeah, we players make a lot of money, but we spend a lot of money too. 我们球员挣了很多金钱,但我们亦需要花费很多金钱。
- She spend a lot of money to follow the fashion. 为赶时髦她花费了不少钱。
- In contrast, grow up, we spend a lot of time at work and with friends. 相比之下,长大了的我们花很多时间在工作上和与朋友在一起。
- She spent a lot of money to follow the fashion. 为赶时髦她花费了不少钱。
- He spent a lot of his money on frivolous things. 他在一些无聊的事上花了好多钱。
- Seasoned travelers, the ones who spend a lot of nights in hotels, crave luxuries, including spas and bathrooms with lots of extras. 经常投宿饭店、阅历丰富的旅客向往奢华享受,包括有水疗设施及附加多样额外享受的浴室。
- Every month we spend a lot of money on books. A lot of money is spent on books by us monthly. 每个月我们花费许多大洋买书。
- B: I want you to deal with it today, please, Tony! We spent a lot of money on that stand and we'll send the brochures immediately. 我希望你今天把这事解决。我们订那个展位花了很多钱的,宣传册会立刻送过去的。
- Spend a lot of time or we will simply discard it. 草草写就的申请只会被我们扔掉,所以请认真的去写。
- In human resources we spend a lot of money trying to break down the walls between exempt and nonexempt employees. 他们知道完全可以靠我去处理他们的生意,就像让我处理自己的生意一样。公司的客户对你的反应好不好?
- "The truth is that we spent a lot of money after liberation to help country get back on its feet, after years of dictatorship. “事实上,我们在伊拉克解放后是花了很多钱,来帮助他们经历多年的专政之后重新站立起来。
- It meant that we had to spend a lot of time apart. 那意味着我们不得不有许多时间不能在一起度过。
- In human resources, we spend a lot of money trying to break down the walls between exempt and non-exempt employees. 建议应聘者事先准备一个例子,可充分说明在处理公司职员的待遇问题上的立场。