- We work in the day and sleep at night. 我们白天工作晚上睡觉。
- We sleep at night. 我们夜晚睡觉。
- He is unable to sleep at night because of anxiety. 由于内心焦虑,他晚上难以入睡。
- You are not supposed to sleep at night. 你不应该在晚上睡觉。
- I go to school to meet my sister, we sleep at haif past ten. 我到学校接妹妹。我们十点半睡觉。
- It hurts so much I can't sleep at night. 牙齿很痛,在晚上我无法入睡。
- It hurts so much I can not sleep at night. 伤得很严重,我晚上都不能睡。
- Sometimes I can't sleep at night. 我有时夜里失眠。
- Doctor, I just can't get to sleep at night. 医生,我晚上睡不着觉。
- We sleep better at night because we know that our efforts are always additive, never subtractive. 就像我们可以睡得更香,因为我们知道我们的努力是在被做加法而不是在递减。
- I can not sleep at night, out for recreation. 我睡不着,出来透透气。
- I often have headache and I cannot sleep at night. 我总是头疼,晚上睡不着。
- It grew so hot that one could hardly sleep at night. 天热得夜里都没法睡觉了。
- A good husband is never the first to go to sleep at night or the last to awake in the morning. 好丈夫在夜里决不会头一个睡着,在早上也不会最后一个起来。
- For the rest of us, it is more realistic and healthy to sleep at night as best we can and then take naps as needed. 对于我们来说,更为实际和健康的最好方式是可以在夜间睡觉,并在需要时小睡一会。
- That day was Saturday, the day before we slept at 4something in the morning. 那天是星期六,前一天凌晨4点多才睡,我早上八点多就自然睡醒。
- I try to get to sleep at night, but I lie there wide awake. 晚上我尽力睡,躺在那翻来覆去睡不着。
- He could not sleep at night, and before long he was pale. 他晚上睡不着觉,不久便面容憔悴。
- John Nichols: I sleep at night with a gun under my pillow. 我晚上睡觉时枕头下放着枪。