- We raise cattle for slaughter. 我们养牛供屠宰。
- We deplete the Earth because we raise cattle and animals. 我们饲养牛和动物,已造成地球的资源枯竭。
- Much as humans raise cattle, pig and sheep for slaughter, certain creations are slaughtered to sustain life elsewhere. 就象人类豢养用以屠宰的牛、猪和绵羊一样,某些造物被屠杀而去维持别处的生命。
- If we raised cattle, we'd tend them. 假如我们养畜生,我们会赶牠们吃草。
- In Man-chou a few people raise cattle for a living. Here the cattle frolic in a mountaintop lake. 2. At sunset, one can see both beautiful clouds and TV aerials. 图1:满州有少数乡民以放牧方式饲养牲口,天热时,水牛喜欢泡水。图2:满州乡的黄昏,仰望天际,除了美丽的晚霞,还可见耸立的电视天线。
- He recommended that bottomland along the French Broad River, which flows through the property, be used to raise cattle for manure to be spread as fertilizer. 至于那些坐落于穿过园区的法国宽河旁的洼地,奥姆斯特德建议用来牧养牛群,用其粪便当作肥料。
- We're fattening the livestock up for slaughter. 我们正在催肥牲畜待宰杀。
- We raise the devil just for pleasure. 我们招唤恶魔来娱乐。
- The worker fattened the cattle for market. 工人把牛养肥供应市场。
- Raising cattle is the most important kind of livestock farming. Many breeds are kept-dairy cows for their milk and beef cattle for their meat. 养牛是最重要的一种畜牧业。家牛的品种很多--奶牛用来挤奶,肉牛用来吃肉。
- A young animal, such as a lamb or calf, fattened for slaughter. 肥畜养肥备宰的幼畜(如羊羔、牛犊)
- In this flat country people grow rice and raise cattle. 在这土地平坦的乡间,人们种植水稻,饲养牲畜。
- These oxen are marked out for slaughter. 这些牛是挑出来屠宰的。
- And with glasses high we raise a cry for freedom had arriwed. 我们高高地举起酒杯,对自由的呼唤已经到来。
- The tour guide said that a rainforest regions the size of California is being destroyed each year for the purposes of raising cattle for cheap beef or grazing other animals for food source or income. 导游说到,每年都有一块如同加州大小的雨林面积被摧毁,以为了降低饲养牛的成本来获得便宜的牛肉,或者放牧其它动物来当作食物源或者收入。
- The duck were sent for slaughter. 鸭被送去屠宰。
- When we turn the nut, we raise or lower the bob. 我们一转动螺母,就会升高或降低摆锤。
- When we turn the nut,we raise or lower the bob. 我们一转动螺母,就会升高或降低摆锤。
- How can we raise standards in schools? 我们怎样才能提高学校的水平?
- They breed cattle for the market. 他们为了市场繁殖牲畜。