- We played cards for love. 我们打牌是打着玩的。
- You won't be blamed for playing cards for love. 没有人会责怪你打牌消遣。
- You will not be blamed for playing cards for love. 没有人会责怪你打牌消遣。
- We played cards and listened to the phonograph. 我们打牌,听留声机。
- He never stopped kibitzing when we played cards. 在我们玩牌时他一直乱出主意,多嘴多舌。
- We played cards to kill time until the bus came. 车子来之前,我们打牌消磨时间。
- We played cards and he cleaned me out. 我们玩了纸牌,他把我的钱全赢去了。
- We played cards and listened to the phonograph . 我们打牌,听留声机。
- We played hockey all afternoon; play cards. 我们一下午都在玩曲棍球;玩扑克。
- We had an hour's wait,so we played cards to kill the time. 我们要等一个小时,为了消磨时间,我们便打起牌来。
- We played cards to relieve the boredom of the long wait. 长时间等待实在无聊,我们就打扑克来解闷儿。
- They were playing cards for high stakes. 他们在玩高赌注的牌。
- They play cards for pleasure, not for money. 他们为取乐而玩纸牌,而不是为赚钱而玩。
- We'll succeed if we play cards right. 如果我们处理得当我们就会成功。
- When I get bored Marya suggests we play cards. 我一烦了玛丽娅就建议玩牌。
- They were playing cards for high stakes(= a lot of money). 他们当时正在打扑克,赌注很高。
- He and his friends enjoy playing cards for low stakes. 他和他的朋友喜欢来小笔输赢的牌戏。
- We couldn't find a hotel room for love or money. 我们怎麽也找不到一间旅馆客房。
- In poetry the rose is often a metaphor for love. 玫瑰在诗中通常作为爱的象征。
- Kindness is easily mistaken for love. 善意很容易被误解为爱情。