- We help Mom do housework. 我们帮妈妈做家事。
- Help mom do housework. 帮助妈妈作家务。
- If we help mom cook dinner, maybe she'll buy us a little sth for desert. 如果我们能帮助妈妈做晚饭,她可能会给我们买点小甜品表示感谢。
- My idea is that we should help her do housework every Sunday. 我的想法是:每星期日我们应该帮助她干家务活。
- Should We Learn to Do Housework? 我们要不要学做家务?
- I often help my mother to do housework. 我常帮妈妈做家务。
- A woman or girl employed to do housework. 女仆受雇做家务活的女人或女孩
- The issue is: how do we help them? 现在的关键是 选择怎样的帮助途径。
- Xiaohong: our teacher told us we should help our parents do housework and i want to do my part. 小红:老师告诉我们要帮助父母干点家务活,我想我会尽力的。
- Later, Lucy thought, "I really ought to help Mom. 又过了一会儿,露西想,“我真应该去帮帮妈妈呀。
- We help one another with the extra work in the summer. 我们互相帮助做夏季的额外工作。
- She likes to do housework than homework. 她宁择做家务,也不愿做作业。
- What are you doing? We're doing housework. 你们正在做什么?我们正在做家务。
- The welfare agencies we help do not run on large budgets. 我们所帮助的福利机构是不靠大的财经预算而运作的。
- Should Young Students Learn to Do Housework? 学生是否应该学做家务?
- We helped the farmer to grub for potatoes. 我们帮助农夫挖马铃薯。
- It takes me half an hour to do housework every day. 我每天花半小时的时间做家务。
- It took me half an hour to do housework. 做家务花去我半小时时间。
- I helped Mom set the table with knives and forks. 我帮忙妈妈将餐桌摆好刀叉。
- We help them by making a plan for them. 我们通过给他们制订计划的办法来帮助他们。