- We drifted down the stream. 我们顺河漂流而下。
- The boat drifted down the stream. 小船顺流漂去。
- Ever drifting down the stream--- Lingering in the golden gleam--- Life, what is it but a dream? 顺着流水跟着过恋着斜阳看着落人生如梦是不错?
- The stream raced down the valley. 溪水沿山谷奔流而下。
- The stream sloshed down the mountain. 潺潺溪水流下山梁。
- He reappeared lower down the stream. 他又在下游露过几次面。
- We often go boating down the stream. 我们经常划船顺着那条小河而下。
- They floated timber down the stream. 他们把木材顺水漂下去。
- They paddled down the stream in a canoe. 他们坐独木舟划向下游。
- They paddled down the stream in a canoe . 他们坐独木舟划向下游。
- The boat drifted down the river. 船顺水漂流而下。
- The piece of wood was drifting down the river. 这块木头在顺水漂流。
- The current is deep and strong down the stream. 下游的水又深又急。
- The ball rolled down the little hill into the stream. 球滚下山丘掉进小河里。
- We splashed (our way) across the stream. 我们哗啦哗啦地 尚过小河。
- The logs were knocked together as they floated down the stream. 圆木顺流而下时互相碰撞着。
- The ship floated rapidly down the stream with the current. 这只轮船迅速地顺流而下。
- Let's clean down the board before we paint it. 让我们在上漆以前把这块板洗干净。
- We drifted the herd across the state. 我们在全州缓慢驱赶牛马。
- Quicken pace Turning back down the main street, we quickened our pace and made our way rapidly towards the stream where we hoped the boatman was waiting. 我们便掉转身子,沿着那条主要的街道加快步伐,快速地朝深溪边走去,希望船夫还在那儿等着我们。