- We deal mainly in silks. 我们主要经营丝绸制品。
- Our company deals mainly in cameras. 本公司主要经营照相机。
- Beijing preview Media is one of the new wave in Beijing advertising firms. We deal mainly with the Promotion of travel and leisure products, household products and mass media. 北京天下风光广告传媒有限公司是北京的新锐广告企业,主要从事国内外旅游休闲产品、日常用品、大众媒体产品(网络、电视频道、电台、报纸、杂志、电影等)的推广工作。公司与国内外众多媒体结成了战略合作关系。
- We deal with semi-precious stone products mainly in Hong Kong and Mainland China, i.e amethyst, citrine, garnet, tourmaline, etc. 我们主要在香港和中国内地经营半宝石产品,如紫晶,黄晶,石榴石,碧玺等。
- We deal in hardware but not software. 我们只经营硬件而不经营软件。
- Instruction would be given by the class teacher and it would deal mainly in concrete activities rather than abstract theories. 课堂老师的授课主要是有关具体活动的,而不是抽象理论的。
- We deal in a great variety of items. 我们可以多项经营。
- We deal exclusively in light industrial products. 我们专营轻工业产品。
- Oats is a crop grown mainly in cold climates. 燕麦主要是在气候凉爽地区种植的庄稼。
- The company deals mainly in draperies, carpets, wallpapers, roller blinds, leather etc. of exceptionally elegant quality. 启奥公司一直保持超一流的专业水平,追求时尚与传统的融合, 努力为客户创造最大价值。
- Everyone in here has pain, but we deal with it! 每个在这里的人都有痛苦但是我们会处理它!
- We deal with imperialism in the same way. (十)对待帝国主义亦然。
- This merchant deals in silk goods. 这个商人做丝绸买卖。
- We deal in TV sets, radios and the like. 我们经营电视机、收音机以及诸如此类的商品。
- Application of Green Technology in Silk. 绿色新技术在丝绸上的应用。
- The young ants are wrapped in silk cocoons. 幼蚁裹在丝茧里面。
- She attired herself [was attireed] in silk. 她穿着丝衣。
- Our difficulties passed away when we dealt with them in the proper way. 我们用恰当的方法对待困难,困难就消除了。
- The actress was dressed in silk. 女演员穿著绸衣服。
- I suggest that we deal with it immediately. 我建议我们马上处理这个问题。