- We can follow their lead. 他们怎么做我们就怎么做。
- We can follow the history of life through the strata. 我们可以通过这一层层的地层跟踪生命的历史。
- Others follow their lead, either by conviction or by default. 其他人或是深信,或是默认地跟着他们跑。
- And ponies can follow their moms also three days after birth. 马生下来三天就能跟着妈妈走。
- In this connection,we can follow the example of other countries. 这方面也有国际经验嘛。
- If one bank raises interest rates, all the others will follow their lead. 要是有一家银行提高利率,所有其他银行都会效法。
- We can follow a similar line of argument for the P-wave solutions. 对于P波解,可以按照类似的方法进行论证。
- In this connection, we can follow the example of other countries. 这方面也有国际经验嘛。
- Others followed their lead,either by conviction or by default. 其他人或是深信,或是默认地跟着他们跑。
- We can follow the usual procedures when dealing with this sort of thing. 这类事情,可以遵循常轨解决。
- But I am not sure if I can follow their speed. What shall I do if someone asks me a question but I can't understand? 但我没把握是否能跟上他们谈话的速度。如果有人问我问题,我没听懂,怎么办?
- NOW they can afford to tackle the environmental issues and expect the poorer countries to follow their lead,when they often cannot. 现在他们有实力来解决环境问题了,就想要贫穷国家听他们的,而贫穷国家往往办不到。
- Dogs like Saint Bernards have a good sense of smell.They can smell where people have been and can follow their trail. 圣伯纳德种狗有优良的嗅觉。它们能闻到哪里有过人,然后跟踪他的踪迹。
- I encourage young people to follow their parents to attend those praying events because through this we can remember what our grandsire had done for us. 我鼓励年轻一辈能前往清明节仪式,因为我们可以通过这个仪式来追思我们祖先为我们开的路。
- Dogs like saint.Bernards have a good sense of smell.They can smell where people have been and can follow their trail. 圣伯纳德种狗有优良的嗅觉。它们能闻到哪里有过人,然后跟踪他的踪迹。
- Sunday Afternoons hope all customers follow their lead by enjoying the sunshine wisely, and playing it safe with full coverage hats, protective clothing and sunscreens. 他们希望能令顾客们明智地享受阳光,在全面防晒保护下(包括防晒帽子、服装等)安全地玩耍 及活动。
- When we are threatened by deceit, we can follow the truth of His Word (vv.29-30). 当我们被奸诈之事所胁迫时,我们可以跟随上帝的真道(29-30节)。
- Until now, Indonesia has followed their lead, only to sink ever deeper into the mire. 在此之前,印尼一直唯中泰两国马首是瞻,在掩盖实情的泥潭中越陷越深。
- It also makes us treasure more dearly the blessing we have, such that we can follow a living Master and gain liberation. 也令我们更加珍惜能跟随一位在世明师并获得解脱的福报。
- As we began to follow their lead we noticed a herd of African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) ahead of us in the distance, and concluded that the lions (Panthera leo) must be headed in their direction. 当我们开始追踪狮子的时候,我们发现了前面远处有一群非洲野牛,狮群一定是在跟踪这群野牛。