- Since 2-band interpolating wavelet transform has the advantage that waveletseries transform coefficient is same as binary uniform samples in multiresolutionsubspace, Prefilter operator of signal in some scaling space is simplified to one. 由于 2 带插值子波变换具有多分辨子空间信号的子波级数变换(WST)系数与其 2 进均匀采样点的值严格一致的优点,因此,使在某个尺度空间上的信号的预滤波算子简化为 1,这时,变换域中的系数是真实的对应层的子波系数,反映了原信号的特性。
- Frequency of modulated signals is extracted from frequency-modulated signals by using the relationship between the modulus of wavelet transform coefficient and the singular exponent. 利用小波变换系数的模值与信号奇异性指数之间的关系,从调频信号中提取出调制信号的频率。
- The results of quantitative coding to wavelet transform coefficient show that low-scale extreme wavelet coefficients can accurately localize the subaerial position of fractures. 小波变换系数量化编码结果表明,低尺度小波系数极值可以准确定位断裂在地表的位置;
- Signa1 redundancy anylysis on two demension time- frequency space of wavelet transform coefficients[J]. 引用该论文 郎方年;周激流;袁晓;何坤;钟钒.
- To obtain the optimal quantizer,the distributions of wavelet transform coefficients for image must be determined. 为了设计最优量化器,必须确定变换系数的分布规律。
- Based on mode curvature, a damage location identification method of structures is presented by using the residuals of wavelet transform coefficients. 在结构曲率模态基础上,本文提出了一种基于小波变换的结构损伤检测和定位方法。
- By analyzing the singularity characteristics of the wavelet transform coefficients, the damage can be identified effectively. 研究了脱层损伤和裂纹损伤发生在不同损伤程度时的小波变换方法识别。
- modulus maximal of wavelet transform coefficients 小波变换系数模极大值
- Wavelet transform coefficient 小波变换系数
- After stationary wavelet transform of an infrared image is done, image de-noising is implemented by fuzzy threshold processing of wavelet coefficient. 对红外图像进行平稳小波变换后,对小波系数进行模糊阈值处理实现图像去噪。
- Theoretical analysis indicates the sequence of coefficient module of Haar wavelet transform has discrete spectral lines in the power spectrum. 通过对此单极性脉冲序列的功率谱分析可知,在基带信号码元速率的整数倍处存在离散谱线,检测这些离散谱线即实现了信号码元速率的估计。
- Because wavelet transform is preferable to detect singular point, periodicity of distribution about striping noise in wavelet coefficient are found. 利用小波变换对信号奇异点检测的优越性,检测出条带噪声在小波系数中的周期性分布规律。
- Zig-zag scan is used for transform coefficient levels in frame macroblocks. Z扫描用于扫描帧MB的变换系数。
- Objective Apply wavelet transform to denoise medical image. 摘要目的利用小波变换进行医学图像去噪。
- Denoising analysis of OTDR data based on wavelet transform[J]. 引用该论文 王韶波;李康;孔繁敏;吴涛.
- Methods of signal processing in LIA based on wavelet transform[J]. 引用该论文 杨兴林;王华岑;徐铁铮;李劲.
- Analysing Coherent Structures of Humidity Time Series by the Spectral Analysis of the Wavelet Transform Coefficients 用小波系数谱方法分析湍流湿度脉动的相干结构
- Quantisation parameter: A variable used by the decoding process for scaling of transform coefficient levels. 量化参数:解码处理中使用的一个值,用于缩放变换系数。
- By using wavelet transform, the emission of HHG in different time is obtained. 利用小波变换,观察了高次谐波在不同时刻的发射情况。