- Waterbody eutrophication 水体富营养化
- The TN,TP,Chla,disphaneity and COD of lakewater are the major parameters related to the eutrophication of the waterbody. 湖泊中总磷、总氮、叶绿素a、透明度、高锰酸盐指数是与水体富营养化密切相关的几个物理量。
- Eutrophication is the longest river, 652 km long. 最长的河是波河,长652公里。
- Can We Control Lake Eutrophication by Dredging? 底泥疏浚能控制湖泊富营养化吗?
- The Lake is at medium level of eutrophication. 湖体处于中度富营养状态。
- Water eutrophication is a kind of caducity. 水体富营养化是水体衰老的一种表现。
- The eutrophication in the major lakes is still rather serious. 主要湖泊富营养化问题依然突出。
- Accordinglywe have to study the evolving process of eutrophication. 因此,我们应该研究富营养化演化过程。
- Ecological engineering for eutrophication control in lake. 湖泊富营养化治理的生态工程。
- The water-body eutrophication is the typical water-body pollution. 摘要水体的富营养化是典型的水体污染。
- ABSTRACT:Water eutrophication is a kind of caducity. 水是地球上生命存在和发展的必要条件。
- It is a key step to properly select oxygenating equipment in carrying out polluted waterbody aeration project. 充氧设备的选型是污染水体曝气复氧工程顺利实施的关键步骤。
- The eutrophication in Dian Lake,Tai Lake and Chao Lake remained fairly serious. 滇池、太湖和巢湖富营养化问题依然突出。
- The eutrophication of Dianchi, Taihu and Chaohu lakes is still rampant. 滇池、太湖和巢湖富营养化问题依然突出;
- Eutrophication is most important to the water quality of lake and reservoir. 水体富营养化是湖泊和水库面临的主要水质问题。
- The results under different pH conditions showed that O3/TiO2/UV is more sensitive to the pH of waterbody. 在不同pH条件下研究表明:O_3/TiO_2/UV对水体pH的影响较为敏感。
- Mining can not cause leakage of reseroir waterbody or affect infiltration flow field near the darn. 煤层开采不会造成库区水体渗漏,不会对大坝附近的渗流场产生影响。
- Phosphorus was the nutrient element limiting the eutrophication of the lake. 磷是湖泊富营养化的限制性营养元素。
- Phosphorus pollution is the main factor causing eutrophication of water. 磷污染是造成水体富营养化的主要因子。
- Ammonium and phosphate are important causes of the eutrophication of water. 氨氮和磷酸盐是水质富营养化的重要来源。