- Water breakthrough curve 水分穿透曲线
- The results showed, the breakthrough curve of nitrate vertical transport in saturated condition was more or less non-symmetrical, mainly due to the different proportion of mobile and immobile water in the soil and soil physical properties. 结果表明,在饱和条件下,硝态氮垂直运移过程的穿透曲线呈现不对称形状和拖尾现象,主要由于土壤中存在著动水和不动水的比例不同和土壤的物理性质所致。
- A good well pattern can improve the areal sweep efficiency and delay water breakthrough. 一个良好的布井系统能改善同一地区的波及系数并延迟水突破。
- The results show that the water breakthrough time shortens with the increase of the horizontal well length. 计算结果表明,井网的见水时间随水平井长度的增加而缩短;
- Improper pest-frac production allocation will result in sanding, fracture closing and water breakthrough. 如果压裂后配产不合理,将导致出砂、裂缝闭合、气井出水等不利情况。
- The breakthrough curve (BTC) of prefential flow was asymmetirc, which was proved by the analysis on its average penetrating time and the extent of its spreading and lagging. 同时采用驻留力矩分析穿透曲线(BTC)的平均穿透时间以及蔓延扩散和拖尾程度,结果表明优先流的穿透曲线具有不对称性。
- The experimental results indicate that the water breakthrough is early, water cut rises rapidly and water injectivity is low. 实验结果表明,该区块水驱见水早、含水率上升快、注水能力低。
- With dispersion breakthrough curves of HTO and Na125I water solution enfluet, dispersion and surface distribution coefficients in single fractured grante have been measured. 用125I和HTO通过单裂隙的穿透实验,测定了它们在花岗岩单裂隙中的弥散系数和表面阻滞系数。
- Anti - water breakthrough performanc e. The experiment showed: the indexes of DFL cement slurry were better than those of cement slurry without additives. 抗水窜性能。 试验表明:DFL外加剂水泥浆各项指标优于未加外加剂的水泥浆。
- Under unsaturated condition, the duration of the transport process was obviously prolonged, peak value of the breakthrough curve raised, the preferential flow was not significant and the curve was gently. 在非饱和条件下,硝态氮运移过程的时间明显加长,穿透曲线的峰值增高,优先流不明显,穿透曲线平缓。
- Bottom water coning is an important factor affecting reservoir development effect, causing earlier water breakthrough, rapid water cut increase and production decrease. 摘要底水锥进是影响底水油藏开发效果的重要因素。
- The oil fume adsorption experiment was conducted by sepiolite gain with particle size of 1.8mm to analyze adsorption capacity of oil fume, obtain breakthrough curve and propose the method of sepiolite regeneration. 用所制得的粒径为1.;8海泡石颗粒进行油烟吸附实验,分析了海泡石吸附油烟的容量,绘出吸附穿透曲线,并提出海泡石吸附剂再生的方法,同时将海泡石与活性炭吸附油烟的效率做了对比实验。
- The formation and development of water coning were visualized, and the effect of water coning on water breakthrough times and recovery ratios was studied. 采用直井开发时,井筒附近油藏有较大的压力降,底水形成水锥迅速突破井筒,油井在较短时间内见水。
- The effects of concentration, flow and temperature to the adsorption performance for the VOCs on Calgon AC were investigated from the breakthrough time, adsorption capacity and shape of breakthrough curve. 从穿透曲线的形状、穿透时间和穿透吸附量等方面,考察初始浓度、流量和温度等因素对三种有机物在Calgon活性炭上动态吸附行为的影响。
- The study of the critical production and water breakthrough from an oil well in a bottom water reservoir should be based on sound understanding of water coning shape in it first of all. 研究底水油藏油井的临界产量和见水时间等问题时,首先要对水锥的形态有一个正确的认识。
- If pattern arrangement is irrational, fracture is in adverse orientation, serious consequence such as early water breakthrough, even burst water flood will happen to producing well. 如果井网布置不当,裂缝处于不利方位,生产井将出现见水早、甚至暴性水淹等不利于生产的严重后果。
- The clear water mirrored the blue sky. 清澈的水中映出蔚蓝的天空。
- The nurse diluted the drug with saline water. 护士用生理盐水把药加以稀释。
- By analyzing the breakthrough curves of concentration eluting from single fracture, the relative parameters are obtained.The main factors affecting these parameters are also described. 结合裂隙中流出液样浓度的穿透曲线,给出了核素迁移的有关参数,并对影响这些迁移参数的主要因素进行了分析。
- water breakthrough characterristic 见水特征