- Watanabe Seiki 渡边诚毅(1914-),日本人,《朝日新闻》报社负责人。
- The new company was called Toa Seiki Kosakusho. 新公司被称为东亚精机工作所。
- This is our communications chief, Mr. Watanabe. 这是我们通讯负责人渡边先生。
- Mori M, Watanabe M, Tanaka S, Mimori K, Kiuvano H, Sugimachi K. 吴名耀;梁英锐;吴贤英.
- Watanabe is attracted to her joyous love of life and enthusiasm. 渡边决定要处理这件事,带著下属开始各处奔走。
- Katsuaki Watanabe's remarks language is not sensational. 渡边捷昭的这番话语绝对不是耸人听闻。
- A 37 year old Toru Watanabe has just arrived in Hamburg, Germany. 能看见的,也就是这么些,倘若此等也称为轮回。
- The novel ends with an epilogue in which Coss and Watanabe marry. 这部小说的最后一个尾声,其中Coss和渡边结婚。
- Watanabe wants to see Brits cooking Japanese at home as they would Chinese. 而渡边绫子希望看到英国人能像做中国菜那样在家做日本菜。
- And I really love the Junya Watanabe pieces that are in the next room. 还有我真的很喜欢隔壁一间房间里渡边淳弥的衣服。
- It have just come to our notice that the japanese camera canon manufactured by seikI - kogaku , tokyo , be very popular . 久闻东京精机光学厂生产的“佳能”照相机颇有名气。
- Roller cam : precision design cam rollers used by the favorite Seiki development of the roller bearings, and its design can withstand heavy-duty. 凸轮滚子:精密设计的凸轮滚子采用由潭子精机开发的滚子轴承,其设计可经受重负荷。
- Blu-ray Canton Seiki Co., Ltd. in Guangdong Machinery Research Institute Center for ultra-precision molding technology to form the basis of the form. 广州蓝光精机科技有限公司在广东省机械研究所超精成型技术中心的基础上组建而成的。
- We have the honour to inform you that Mr. watanabe this day retired from our firm. 渡边先生自本日起已离开本公司。特此奉告。
- Unique installation: Segmentation and other agencies, the favorite Seiki degree gearing for Compact, according to the different perspectives of the installation. 独特的安装:与其它分割机构不同,潭子精机的分度传动装置为袖珍型,可按各种不同的角度进行安装。
- Efforts to tower : attached to the output shaft, and embedded radial roller efforts turret. The accuracy of production slips Seiki segmentation is the most important factor. 出力转塔:附在出力轴上,而滚子径向嵌入出力转塔。其准确度是生产潭子精机分割器最重要的因素。
- Illustrators include: veteran artists such as Tadahito Nadamoto and and Hiroshi Watanabe,who is active in Shanghai. 在插画方面,主要有滩本唯人先生,和现在活跃在上海的渡边宏先生等。
- Takeshi Watanabe, a counselor with the Tokyo Mental Health Academy, and Yasutaka Masuko, 28, seem like brothers. 渡边武是东京精神健康研究院的顾问,他与28岁的康隆雅子看上去象是兄弟一般。
- A lot rests on Mrs Watanabe, the fabled retail punter who plays the markets while running her household's finances. 一度销声匿迹的“渡边太太”是一个虚构的人物,她用丈夫的资产在股市里投机获利。
- "We never thought that a country could go bankrupt, so we thought we had nothing to worry about," said Mr Watanabe. “我们当时从未想到一个国家也会破产,因此我们认为没什么好担心的,”渡边先生说。