- War begets misery and ruin. 战争是苦难与毁灭的祸根。
- War beget misery and ruin. 战争引起苦难与毁灭。
- War brought misery and ruin to the people. 战争给人们带来痛苦和毁坏.
- War took misery and ruin to the country's people. 战争给这个国家的人民带来了悲惨和毁灭。
- War brings misery and ruin. 战争带来苦难和灾祸。
- War brings misery and ruin . 战争带来苦难和灾祸。
- War breeds misery and ruin. 战争带来苦难和破坏。
- War necessarily causes misery and waste. 战争必然造成痛苦和破坏。
- The old empty house soon went to rack and ruin. 这所旧的空房子很快就毁坏了。
- The house went to rack and ruin. 房子荒废了。
- War broke out again, plunging the people into misery and suffering. 战祸复发,生灵涂炭。
- The barn went to wrack and ruin after the farmer moved. 那农夫搬走之后,谷仓就废弃了。
- It is little to relinquish. What is it but a wilderness of misery and ruin?' 我放弃的东西很少,除了一片痛苦与毁灭的荒原,还能有什么?”
- The old empty house soon go to rack and ruin. 这所旧的空房子很快就毁坏了。
- Has goose-stepped us into misery and bloodshed. 让我们步入痛苦相残。
- Your homeland has gone to rack and ruin. 你老家的田园已经荒芜。
- The girl was full of misery and jealousness. 女孩对语文老师万分不满。
- This country is going to rack and ruin; we need a change of government. 这个国家正在分崩离析,我们需要更换政府。
- The car will soon go to wrack and ruin standing out in all kinds of weather. 汽车暴露于外任凭风吹雨打日晒,很快就会报废的。
- They'll only fix somthing and ruin us. 他们只会搞些花样来害我们。