- Chinese are stupid. They talk of war in times of peace. 中国人眼睛瞎。在平时讲战事。
- In time of peace prepare for war. 和平时期须备战。
- No Soldier shall in time of peace quartered in any house without the consent the Owner nor in time of war in a manner to be prescribed by. 未经房主同意,士兵平时不得驻扎在任何住宅;除依法律规定的方式,战时也不得驻扎。
- Such defense combines efforts to deter war with preparations to win self-defense wars in time of peace, and strategic defense with operational and tactical offensive operations in time of war. 这种防御是和平时期努力遏制战争与准备打赢自卫战争的统一,是战争时期战略上的防御与战役战斗上的攻势行动的统一。
- A wise man in times of peace prepares for war. 智者会在和平年代为战争准备。
- Such defense combines efforts to deter war with preparations to win self-defense wars in time of peace,and strategic defense with operational and tactical offensive operations in time of war. 这种防御是和平时期努力遏制战争与准备打赢自卫战争的统一,是战争时期战略上的防御与战役战斗上的攻势行动的统一。
- The raising or keeping a standing army in time of peace is illegal. 在和平时期征集和保持常规武装是非法的。
- We are now in times of peace and prosperity. 我们正处于太平盛世。
- How did Hawkwood make money in times of peace? 霍克伍德在和平时期是如何挣钱的?
- How did Haywood make in times of peace? 霍克伍德在和平时期是怎么赚钱的?
- He took revenge for the blood of war in a time of peace, and put bloodshed without provocation on the belt about my waist and the sandal on my foot. 他在升平时,杀了他们,像在战争时杀人,使我腰间的带子和脚上的鞋染了无辜的血。
- National unity is essential in time of war. 举国团结在战时是非常重要的。
- War In Time of Peace 和平年代的战争
- Plunder taken from an enemy in time of war. 劫掠物,战利品战时取自敌人的战利品
- The same railroads which had made the town the crossroads of commerce in time of peace were now of vital strategic importance in time of war. 那些在和平时期使亚特兰大成为贸易枢纽的铁路,如今在战时已具有重大的战略意义。
- All goods may be forfeit to the State in time of war. 战时所有的货物都可能被国家徵用。
- Neutralism differs from neutrality in that it is an attitude of mind in time of peace rather than a legal status in time of war. Neutralism 与neutrality的不同之处在于前者表示和平环境时的态度,而不是战争中有法律作用状态或地位。
- Almost all government adopt totalitarian measures in time of war. 几乎所有的政府在战时都采取极权主义的措施。
- What have we kept the Army up for--to eat their heads off in time of peace! 我们养军队为的什么用处--难道是让他们平日拼命吃饭吗?