- Wang Xiong Zhang Xiong repeatedly to dissuade him not to rape her. 王兄多次劝阻张兄不要强奸他妹妹。
- I am at friendship hotel. My name is Wang Tao. 我在友谊宾馆,我是王涛。
- Author Wu Shengying Pan Chunshui Wang Xiong et al Department of Pathophysiology;Yunyang Medical College( Shiyan 442000); 作者吴胜英;潘春水;汪雄;任永生;齐永芬;唐朝枢;
- He held an opinion quite adverse to Comrade Wang's. 他和王同志持绝然相反的意见。
- I saw Mr. Wang as late as yesterday. 直到昨天我还看见过王先生。
- Mr. Wang is a staff of France airline. 王先生是法国航空公司的一名职员。
- Li Ming is not so old as Wang Lin. 李明没有王林年龄大。
- Zhang Xiong Wang women often tangled, and raped repeatedly. 张兄经常纠缠王女,并多次强奸。
- He asked Uncle Wang to take the chair. 他请求王大叔主持会议。
- Mr. Wang's hair was tinted black. 王先生的头发染成黑色。
- Received from Miss Wang Juan the sum of two thousand yuan. 今收到王娟小姐还款人民币两千元整。
- We may say "xiong xiong huo yan" (a raging blaze). 我们还可以说熊熊的火焰。
- At the moment Master Wang was fitting together some parts. 这时候王师傅正在装配一些部件。
- "Is that Xiao wang?" He cried down the telephone. 他冲着电话嚷道:"是小王吗?"
- Wanted to see how drunk Xiong fury? 想看看醉熊是如何发飙的?
- No one can match up to Comrade Wang in efficiency and vigour. 有效率和干劲方面没有人比得上王同志。
- Xiong yi plastic products co., Ltd. 兄奕塑胶制品有限公司。
- Innate brand one "shen tong" and "xiong xiong". 自有品牌“神童”及“雄熊”。
- I suppose Mr Lin will pair off with Miss Wang in the end. 我料想到头来林先生总会和王小姐结成夫妇。
- Tingqi Xiong, bright red sun smiling. 挺起胸,鲜红的太阳笑盈盈。