- Wang Qishan, Mayor of Beijing and Mr Niu Youcheng Vice Mayor of Beijing inspected Beijing Health Essence. 北京市市长王岐山及副市长牛有成等市政府领导视察健之素。
- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner and Chinese Vice Premier Wang Qishan in Washington. 标签:中国美国经济对话全球合作中英双语分类:外媒文章赏析(中英双语)
- Their respective Chinese counterparts are State Councilor Dai Bingguo and Vice Premier Wang Qishan. 与他们相对应的中方官员是戴秉国国务委员和王岐山副总理。
- The mayor, Wang Qishan, complains that the number of cars flooding the roads makes it "more difficult to run the city. 北京市长王歧山抱怨说,城市道路上洪水般泛滥的汽车增加了城市治理的难度。
- Vice Premier Wang Qishan of the State Council held talks with Deputy Prime Minister Sechin of Russia today. 答:应王歧山副总理邀请,俄罗斯联邦政府副总理谢钦20至21日访华,与中方共同签署中俄石油领域合作政府间协议。
- Liu, whose position outranks that of Mayor Wang Qishan, also said corruption in the party had to be controlled. 职位高于北京市长王岐山的刘淇并表示,党中央需监管党内贪污行为。
- Shortly after, the Princess Royal also met Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr. Zhang Yesui and on Wednesday met the Mayor of Beijing Mr. Wang Qishan. 随后安妮公主会见了外交部副部长张业遂。安妮公主于星期三会晤了北京市市长王岐山。
- Trade and investment will be the subject of discussion with Bo Xilai. The Duke will also discuss Olympic opportunities with Wang Qishan. 约克公爵还将会见北京市市长王歧山,就奥运会带来的机遇进行探讨。
- In Beijing, the Duke will meet State Councillor Tang Jiaxuan, Minister of Commerce Bo Xilai and the Mayor of Beijing Wang Qishan. 约克公爵将会见国务委员唐家璇和北京市市长王歧山。
- The talks on Sunday were co-chaired by Chinese Vice Premier Wang Qishan and Japanese Foreign Minister Hirofumi Nakasone. 此次对话于星期天举行,由中国国家副总理王岐山和日本外相中曾根弘文共同主持。
- China will maintain a tight monetary policy to cool price increases and prevent economic overheating, Vice Premier Wang Qishan said. 王岐山副总理称中国将继续保持从紧的货币政策以控制价格上涨和防止经济过热。
- We have two more new premiers Mr. Zhang Dejiang and Mr. Wang Qishan, and they uesed to be in charge of major provinces and municipalities. 我们还有两位新任副总理,一位是张德江,一位是王岐山,他们都曾经担任过“地方大员”。[2008-03-1810:18:24
- We are also very happy to invite Vice Premiers Li Keqiang, Hu Liangyu, Zhang Dejiang and Wang Qishan to accompany Premier Wen Jiabao at this meeting. 同时,我们也非常高兴地邀请国务院副总理李克强、回良玉、张德江、王岐山陪同温总理一起同大家见面。
- The deals were made at two ceremonies in St. Louis, Mo., and here, and both were attended by visiting Chinese Vice Premier Wang Qishan. 这些合约是在密苏里州的圣.;路易斯和华盛顿的庆典上签订的,两场宴会来访的中国副总理王歧山都参加了。
- After the high-level dialogue, Wang Qishan, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Hirofumi Nakasone also held a joint news conference. 高层对话结束后,王岐山副总理与中曾根弘文外相还将举行联合记者会。
- In Beijing, Mr Darling met with top finance ministers in the Chinese government, led by Wang Qishan, the vice-premier. He also met the head of CIC, Lou Jiwei. 在北京,达林会晤了以中国副总理王岐山为首的中国政府高层财政金融部门官员。他还会晤了中投公司的负责人楼继伟。
- London Mayor Ken Livingstone with Mayor of Beijing Wang Qishan and Chairman of London 2012 Organising Committee Sebastian Coe open the London Experience exhibition. 伦敦市长肯利文斯,北京市长王岐山和伦敦2012奥组委主席塞巴斯丁珂与中国京剧艺术家们在体验伦敦展览揭幕仪式上。
- State Council Vice-Premier Wang Qishan with the US trade negotiation on behalf of Schwabe, commerce secretary Gutierrez will manage two day-long discussion together. 国务院副总理王岐山将与美国贸易谈判代表施瓦布、商务部长古铁雷斯共同主持为期两天的会谈。
- Chinese vice Premier Wang Qishan and State Councilor Dai Bingguo have left for Washington to attend the China-U.S.Economic and Strategic Dialogue to be held on Monday and Tuesday. 中国副总理王岐山和国务委员戴秉国已前往华盛顿,参加准备在周一和周二举行的中美经济和战略对话。
- Chinese Vice Premier Wang Qishan attended the commemoration together with Singaporean Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew and Deputy Prime Minister Wong Kan Seng. 中国国务院副总理王岐山,新加坡内阁资政李光耀、副总理黄根成等出席大会。