- Wankou a rough sea of Changteng, tightAnd Pan Yuan in a towering trees, and tree-high, billowed into the Xiaohan. 海边一根碗口粗的长藤,紧紧地攀缘在一株参天大树上,与树齐高,直冲霄汉。
- Strange vine - Laoteng along the rugged cliffs and Pan Yuan, in the jungle between the intertwined, it is thought that Huangran into the tropical rain forests. 怪藤--粗壮的老藤顺着悬崖攀缘而上,在丛林间盘根错节,令人恍然以为进入了热带雨林。
- Geodetic grant contest 1-15 players Chen Dayong, Hao Zongze, Wang Pan skilled mapping technologies such as the National Honor. 授予大地测量竞赛1至15名的选手陈大勇、郝宗泽、王攀等全国测绘技术能手荣誉称号。
- Received from Miss Wang Juan the sum of two thousand yuan. 今收到王娟小姐还款人民币两千元整。
- He cooked the pasta in a large pan of boiling water. 他用一大锅开水煮义大利面食。
- Some of the enamels on this pan are chipped off. 这平底锅上的搪瓷有些已脱落。
- Can you ladle the soup out of this deep pan for me? 你能从这个深底锅里舀点汤给我吗?
- I am at friendship hotel. My name is Wang Tao. 我在友谊宾馆,我是王涛。
- Look out! The pan of milk is bubbling over! 小心!那锅牛奶溢出来了!
- After his meal, Xiao Wang had only 30 yuan left. 小王吃完饭后身上就只下剩三十块钱了。
- She clashed the pan down on the stone floor. 她把炒锅当啷一声掉在石头地板上。
- Flakes of rust are falling from the old iron pan. 一片片的锈从旧铁锅上落下。
- He held an opinion quite adverse to Comrade Wang's. 他和王同志持绝然相反的意见。
- Some of the enamel on this pan is chipped off. 这平底锅上的搪瓷有些已脱落。
- I saw Mr. Wang as late as yesterday. 直到昨天我还看见过王先生。
- Mr. Wang is a staff of France airline. 王先生是法国航空公司的一名职员。
- I cracked two eggs into the frying pan. 我往平底锅里打了两个鸡蛋。
- He spoke his lines utterly dead pan. 他毫无表情地背台词。
- Li Ming is not so old as Wang Lin. 李明没有王林年龄大。
- Take the pan away quickly; it's boiling over. 快把锅子端开,里面的东西都煮得溢出来了。