- Wall rock masses 围岩岩体
- Unloading rock mass mechanics II. 卸荷岩体力学2。
- The rock mass produced by an intrusive process. 侵入岩浆岩浆侵入过程中生成的岩块
- The process of alternating solid rock masses is called metamorphism. 固体岩体变换的过程即所谓变质作用。
- Simultaneously, the displacements of the rock mass were monitored. 与此同时,还对矿房围岩的变形进行了监测;
- A fracture or crack in a rock mass along which no appreciable movement has occurred. 裂缝,裂口岩石块中的碎片或缝隙,在其周围未发生过可被觉察到的运动
- Wall rock is a special medium of underground engineering and its stability affects directly production and safety. 摘要围岩是地下工程类特殊的介质,其稳定性直接影响到生产和安全。
- The paper carefully analyzes bolt supporting system, and measures the parameters of coal wall rock in Fuxin diggings. 本文对锚杆支护理论进行了系统分析,并对阜新矿区煤巷围岩的参数进行了实验测定。
- Theory and practice of grouting drainage and anchorage of rock mass II. 岩体灌浆排水锚固理论与实践2。
- Secondly, simulation elicits wall rock transmogrification under the different coal pillar and different stress. 其次模拟研究分析了留设煤柱宽度不同时以及地应力大小不一时沿空巷道围岩变形情况,得到了一些认识;
- There is a large scale of dynam-relaxed rock mass lies in Daliushu dam site. 大柳树坝址区存在大面积、大范围的岩体松动破坏现象。
- The results show that both ore body and wall rock have weak or strong rockburst proneness. 结果表明,该矿矿体和围岩均具有发生弱或强烈岩爆的倾向性。
- Cleavage and fracture have a strong impact on blasted result for rock mass. 摘要节理裂隙对岩体爆破效果有很大的影响。
- The formulas of rock mass displacements and deformations are devel... 通过工程实例分析表明,理论预计结果与现场实测结果吻合。
- The main wall rock alterations of the Kangshan goldfield are silication,sericitization,carbonicacidation and pyritization. 康山金矿田围岩蚀变主要为硅化、绢云母化、碳酸盐化及黄铁矿化。
- In flat dip layer, the seam thickness control the stability of the wall rock, the thick-bedded hard rock is stable than the thin-bedded hard rock. 岩层厚度在缓倾斜时对围岩稳定起控制作用,厚层硬岩整体稳定性好于薄层状硬岩。
- Rock masses treated with it retain their original permeability and water-absorption completely and have their compressive strength greatly increased. 经它处理过的岩块完全保持了原有渗透性和吸水率,抗压强度大大增加。
- The alteration distribution from ore body to wall rock is skarn-high silicification-low silicification-quartzification and carbonatization. 矿体至围岩明显有矽卡岩化-强硅化-弱硅化-石英、碳酸盐化的蚀变分带特征。
- Of or relating to the shape, structure, and arrangement of the rock masses resulting from structural deformation of the earth's crust. 大地构造的属于或关于由地壳结构变形造成的岩体的形状、构造和排列的
- The wall rock alteration characteristics and the relationship between wallrock alteration and the alteration model are set up in the paper. 对花山花岗岩体中金矿的围岩蚀变特征和围岩蚀变与金矿化的关系进行了研究,并建立了蚀变模式。