- SWL Secure Wake up on LAN 局域网安全唤醒
- Some hibernating animals may wake up on warm winter days. 在冬天温暖的日子里,一些冬眠动物可能会醒来。
- He didn't have an alarm clock. He never used to wake up on time. 他没有闹钟,从来没有按时醒来过。
- What time are you going to wake up on Christmas Day? 圣诞节那天你几时起来?
- I woke up on the right side of the wrong bed this morning. 我昨晚糊里糊涂上了别人的床了。今早醒来发现:还好,我还是在我惯常睡的那一边。
- I wish that someday when I wake up I'll be up on a star finding the clouds are far away behind me. 但愿一日醒来,我在高高的星空上,朵朵白云被远远地抛在身后。
- Wake on LAN powers on the machine remotely,and ACPI makes the machine start up faster. Wake on LAN从远程给机器接通电源,ACPI使机器启动更快。
- There are times when I wake up on the wrong side of the bed and I'm really grouchy. Everyone has those moods though. Generally I'm a very happy, positive person. 好几次我起床的时候我是睡在床尾的,我很不高兴。每个人都会这样的。不过通常我是一个乐观积极的人。
- The 12 million people in Mexico city woke up on September 19th,1985,to find their city in ruins. 1200万墨西哥城人1985年9月19日醒来时发现他们的城市已是一片废墟。
- Do Supermicro 10Gb Ethernet Controllers support Wake On LAN? 超微万兆以太网控制器支持网络唤醒功能吗?
- If you draw up on a coffee cup is yawning mouth, a cup of coffee ready when you wake up the brain when people see the cup but you will increase the hardship of Italy. 如果在咖啡杯上画上一张正在打哈欠的嘴,当你喝咖啡准备醒醒脑子的时候,别人看到你的杯子却会增加困意。
- I didn't wake up until I heard the alarm clock. 直到听到闹钟的铃声我才醒来。
- The 12 million people in Mexico city woke up on September 19th,1985, to find their city in ruins. 1200万墨西哥城人1985年9月19日醒来时发现他们的城市已是一片废墟。
- Wake on LAN powers on the machine remotely, and ACPI makes the machine start up faster. Wake on lan从远程给机器接通电源,ACPI使机器启动更快。
- I wake up with a very thick head this morning. 我早晨醒来觉得头昏昏沉沉的。
- We got really tanked up on whisky and beer. 我们喝威士忌和啤酒喝醉了。
- It is time to pony up on that bill. 是照帐付钱的时候了。
- He didn't wake up until 11 o'clock in the morning. 他上午十一点才醒。
- The stricken tanker began to break up on the rocks. 油轮被击中后撞上礁石,毁了。
- I have trouble wake up in the morning. 早上起来对我而言是件苦事。