- WYSIWYG report design mode. 所见即所得的报表设计方式等。
- In Report Designer in Data view, when you create or edit a dataset with Hyperion Essbase data, the graphical query designer opens in the default Design mode. 在报表设计器的“数据”视图中,当使用Hyperion Essbase数据创建或编辑数据集时,图形查询设计器将以默认的设计模式打开。
- The report definition opens in graphical design mode. 报表定义以图形设计模式打开。
- Open the client report definition (. Rdlc) file in graphical design mode. 在图形设计模式下打开客户端报表定义(.;rdlc)文件。
- Extends the design mode behavior of a component. 扩展组件的设计模式行为。
- Graphical design mode includes a design grid that you can use to align report items on the page. 图形设计模式包括可以用于对页面上的报表项的设计网格。
- To work with a chart, open a client report definition (. Rdlc) file in graphical design mode. 若要使用图表;请在图形设计模式下打开客户端报表定义(.;rdlc)文件。
- The Report menu is available when you edit a client report definition (. Rdlc) file in graphical design mode. 以图形设计模式编辑客户端报表定义(.;rdlc)文件时;可以使用“报表”菜单。
- After you save your report design, you can use it over and over again. 保存报表设计之后,可以多次使用它。
- Displays a dialog for editing multi-line strings in design mode. 显示一个用于在设计模式中编辑多行字符串的对话框。
- Using a DP, you will not be able to use all report design functionality. 使用DP时,您无法使用所有报表设计功能。
- In Report Builder design mode, position the cursor along the right edge of the column. 在报表生成器设计模式中,将光标放在列的右边缘。
- In Report Builder design mode, right-click the chart and then click Chart Options. 在报表生成器设计模式下,右键单击图表,再单击“图表选项”。
- In Report Builder design mode, select the cells to which you want to add gridlines. 在报表生成器设计模式下,选择要为其添加网格线的单元。
- ViewPro ActiveX :Add Custom Report Designer to Your App. 添加自定义报表设计器到你的应用程序.
- In design mode, double-click the control whose field you want to make required. 在设计模式中,双击要设为必填的域所属的控件。
- In graphical design mode, add a ReportViewer control to the Web page or form. 在图形设计模式中,将ReportViewer控件添加到网页或窗体。
- To switch back to Design mode, right-click the Result pane and select Design. 若要切换回设计模式,请右键单击“结果”窗格并选择“设计”。
- You can add datasets to accommodate a new report design idea, or adjust report layout based on preview results. 可以添加数据集以适应新的报表设计思路,或基于预览结果调整报表布局。
- Click in the report design grid where you want to position the upper-left corner of the control. 在报表设计网格中要放置控件左上角的位置单击。