- WTO accession will further encourage these reforms. 加入WTO后,这些改革的力度还将加强。
- Chinese WTO accession means the economy will get new opportunity. 中国入世意味着经济发展将获得新的机遇。
- After the WTO accession,China will further improve its market climate. 加入世界贸易组织后,中国将进一步改善市场环境。
- After the WTO accession, China will further improve its market climate. 加入世界贸易组织后,中国将进一步改善市场环境。
- China's WTO accession means new opponunity for economic development. 中国入世意味着经济发展将获得新的机遇。
- They will find a mechanism for such action in China's WTO accession agreement. 他们将在中国加入世界贸易组织(WTO)协议中,为采取此类行动找到一种机制。
- Does China's WTO accession mean that there will a decrease in trade frictions between China and America? 中国入世是否意味着中美两国间的贸易摩擦会减少?
- Li: As for ordinary consumers,what are the direct benefits they enjoy from WTO accession? 李:依你之见,中国入世对我国普通消费者有什么直接的好处呢?
- The development of the financial sector will face both opportunities and severe challenges after China's WTO accession. 中国加入WTO,金融业的发展面临良好机遇和严峻挑战。
- However, the rapid economic growth and WTO accession have added the country's appeal to overseas investors. 然而,经济快速增长和加入WTO使中国对外国投资者的吸引力进一步增大。
- China's WTO accession suggests that the mainland economic development will gain new opportunities. 中国入世意味着经济发展将获得新的机遇。
- China's WTO accession would increase its economic growth and enhance its economic and trade relations with WTO Members. 中国加入WTO将促进其经济增长,并加强其与WTO成员的经贸关系。
- So, it is natural for people to show concern for China's media development following its WTO accession. 因此,人们关心入世后,中国的媒体如何发展也是理所当然的。
- It is estimated that the WTO accession will add the country's GDP growth by 1-2 percentage points for a long time. 据测算,中国加入WTO的长期影响为每年1-2个百分点的GDP。
- Li: As for ordinary consumers, what are the direct benefits they enjoy from WTO accession? 李:依你之见,中国入世对我国普通消费者有什么直接的好处呢?
- In its WTO accession, China made substantial concessions on foreign investment in the services economy. 中国加入世贸,对外商投资服务业作出重大让步。
- For China, the WTO accession is also a political question, and a matter of self-respect and dignity. 入世与否,对中国来说也是一个政治、面子、尊严问题。
- Li: Does China's WTO accession mean that there will a decrease in trade frictions between China and America? 李:中国入世是否意味着中美两国间的贸易摩擦会减少?
- Thomas Liaw analyzes the impact China's WTO accession will have on the financial services sector. ThomasLiaw分析了中国入世后对金融服务部分的影响。
- China applied to join the General Agreement of Tariffs and Trade in 1986 so WTO accession marks the end of 15 years of negotiations. 中国在1986年申请加入关贸总协定,今年入世则象征着15年谈判的结果。