- WTBZJohn Rawls 罗尔斯
- In his later life, Rawls clearly expounds the basic concept of public reason. 摘要罗尔斯在后期明确提出并详细阐述了公共理性这一根本性的概念。
- The last part of this essay discusses Thomas Nagel's criticism of John Rawls. 本文最后讨论了内格尔对罗尔斯的批评。
- Rawls"s "fair justice" theory then has the more care of education practical. 罗尔斯的“公平的正义”理论因而在此更具有关照教育现实的意义。
- Unlike many liberals, Rawls was not the product of a secular culture. 与许多自由主义者不同,罗尔斯并不是世俗文化的产物。
- The civil disobedience theory of Rawls is deeply rooted in the western natural law tradition. 罗尔斯的公民不服从理论深深根植于西方自然法传统。
- Nozick believe the paramountcy of entitlement, and extend Rawls's primary entitlements to various entitlements. 诺齐克则认为权利至上,将罗尔斯的基本权利扩展到各种权利。
- Rawls thinks that unfairness does not mean injustice, as long as it is consistent with the two justice principles. 摘要罗尔斯认为,不平等并不意味着不正义,只要它符合两个正义原则。
- John Rawls' Theory of Justice depicts the liberalism which is a kind of comprehensive moral philosophy. 摘要“重叠共识”理念是解读罗尔斯政治自由主义理论的一个切入点。
- Rawls’ idea of public reason is the citizens’ overlapping consensus about the basic justice. 罗尔斯公共理性的观念,是公民对基本正义问题获得的重叠共识。
- Despite the differing influences on them of Hegel and Kant, the views of Marx and Rawls can be shown to converge. 尽管受到黑格尔和康德的不同影响,马克思和罗尔斯的观点还是能显示出一致之处。
- Under such condition, Rawls's theory of justice moved toward maturely from breeding. 在这样的状况下,罗尔斯的正义理论从孕育中走向了成熟。
- Rawls, John. A Theory of Justice. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1971, pp. 363-391. (译注:本书中文版(1)译者李少军,杜丽燕,张虹,台北桂冠出版社,2003
- However, as I Shall argue, Rawls's account of the political conception of human rights has serious defects. 然而,我也说明,罗尔斯的人权主张有重大不足之处,并尝试提出补救之道。
- John Rawls vindicate for the criticisms which are confronted by overlapping consensus. 罗尔斯对重叠共识面临的批判进行了辩护。
- More importantly, Rawls make a difference between a modus Vivendi and an overlapping consensus. 更为重要的是罗尔斯在一种权宜之计和一种重叠共识之间进行了明确的区分。
- This paper has made a comparative research into justice as fairness by Rawls and justice in holdings by Nozick. 本文对罗尔斯的公平正义论和诺齐克的持有正义论进行了比较研究。
- In this thesis, my aim is to inquire into Rawls’s justification and derivation of the difference principle. 在这篇论文当中,我试图处理罗尔斯差异原则的推导与证立问题。
- It mainly introduces the natural law thoughts of Aquinas, Hobbes and lays the foundation for the renaissance of the new natural law thoughts of Rawls. 主要介绍了亚里士多德、托马斯·阿奎那、霍布斯的自然法思想,为罗尔斯的新自然法思想的复兴奠定了基础。