- This paper studies the quota system and the voting mechanism in the IMF, analyses the existing problems and finally gives some corresponding suggestions for the reform. 本文深入研究了I mf内部决策机制中的份额决定机制和投票表决机制,分析了其中存在的问题,并提出了相应的改革建议。
- It defines the veto in accordance with the UN Charter and Rules of Procedures of the Security Council as well as its historical background and its relationship with the modern voting mechanism. 尤其是在冷战时期,苏联和美国频繁使用否决权遭致诟病,要求大国慎用否决权的呼声也从来没有停止过。 大国为什么要使用否决权,大国又如何使用否决权是一个极有意义的课题,它将帮助我们更好地理解安理会的运行机制以及大国与安理会的关系。
- WOC interfaces are often voting mechanisms that use a spectrum or a thumbs up/down system, but they could just as easily involve selecting a point on a map or drawing a shape. 要让人群真正聪明起来,它的组成也必须变化多端。群众智慧理论之所以会有效,是因为不同类型的人们彼此旗鼓相当。招募太多同种类型的人,结论的准确性将会受到影响。
- Custer Fusion Algorithm Based on Majority Voting Mechanism 基于投票机制的融合聚类算法
- Men and women of eighteen and above are eligible to vote. 年龄在十八岁以上的男女有投票表决权。
- The lord vote to amend the bill. 上院投票对议案进行修正。
- The US senate vote against the proposal. 美国参议院投票反对该建议。
- Thanks for your vote of confidence. 谢谢你对我的支持。
- I turned thumbs down on voting Mr. Brown. 我拒绝投布朗先生的票。
- You operate the mechanism by winding this handle. 操纵这台机器要转动这个把手。
- He used his casting vote to block the motion. 他用他的投票反对动议的通过。
- Sixty abstain in the vote on capital punishment. 在表决死刑时,60位下议院议员弃权。
- The watch has delicate mechanism. 这块表有精细的机械装置。
- I may vote for her at the next election. 下届选举我可能选她。
- Let's examine into the basic mechanism involved. 让我们把有关的基本结构搞搞清楚。
- He was elected by a unanimous vote. 他以全票当选。
- If we cannot agree, let's vote on it. 咱们意见要是不一致就表决吧。
- The opposition passed a vote of censure on the government. 反对派通过了对政府的不信任投票。
- A part of a mechanism that moves in this manner. 横移物以这种方式移动的一个机械零件
- Voting showed a 10% swing to the Opposition. 投票结果表明有10%25的人转而支持反对党。