- There was also voting by ballot. 也有用选票选举的。
- What does voting by secret ballot mean? 无记名投票选举是什么意思?
- Click pic,then vote by photo comment o! 按一下照片,然后以照片评论的方式投哦!
- To cast a vote by inserting(a name not listed on a ballot). 投票给通过插入(候选名单上未列出的名字)来投票
- Voting by mail was conceived to encourage election fraud. 通过邮件来投票注定要助长选举的欺诈性。
- The first-class fiddling played by Agent X made him . 学生们十分认真地对待这一次的活动。
- Finally, all the members of the club decided to vote by ballot. 最后,俱乐部的所有成员决定进行无记名投票。
- The vote by all the IOC members will be taken in Singapore on July. 今年7月,国际奥委会委员将在新加坡投票决定(2012年奥运会的主办城市)。
- Voting by Agent 委托代理投票
- "It's a simple vote by SMS," Hotz said by telephone. 投票截止日期为1月14日。
- Item 1,5,8,11,12 will be drafted by agent, and finally confirmed by investors. 第1,5,8,11,12项由代理放起草,投资放最终确定。
- Be opposite by agent procuratorial acting action, assume civil responsibility. 被代理人对代理人的代理行为,承担民事责任。
- The rules and regulations are set down as a result of voting by the bowlers. 规则被登记为投球手表决的结果。
- This concentration is not dissipated by agents. 这一浓缩作用不会被药剂所消除。
- His facial features were highly regarded by agents. 他的五官受到经纪人高度的关注。
- The absence of an explicit vote in your code casts a commit vote by default. 默认情况下,如果代码中没有显式投票,则默认为赞成提交。
- Money for a new school was voted by the board. 创办一所新学校的钱已由董事会通过。
- Our candidate will rake in votes by the thousand. 我们的候选人将会得到上千张选票。
- Below are the top 10 LFC hard men as voted by you. 以下是经过投票选出十名红军硬汉。
- By agent, I mean that your company may sell the products on behalf of my company and receives commisions. 代理商指的是贵公司以抽佣金方式卖我公司的产品。