- The Vocational Training Council (VTC) provides technical education and industrial training places. 职业训练局则提供工业教育及训练学额。
- The Vocational Training Council implements a voluntary trade testing and certification scheme. 职业训练局主办技能测验及颁发证书。技术人员可以自愿参加。
- She is currently Chairlady of the Mass Communications Training Board of the Vocational Training Council. 她现任职业训练局大众传播训练委员会主席。
- Our workers had attended our internal training and safety induction program held by Vocational Training Council for lifting operation. 本公司更安排所有工人定期接受工业训练局举办的工作安全训练,提供他们对工作安全的意识。
- The scheme is administered by the Vocational Training Council, which will award incentives to successful applicants on a first-come-first-served basis. 船舶维修训练奖励计划由职业训练局管理,该局会以先到先得的方式向成功申请者发放奖励津贴。
- Vocational Training Council reserves the right to accept or reject the posting up of any job vacancy in the VTC Job Information System. 职业训练局有权接受或拒绝任何职位空缺于本系统内张贴。
- Publicly funded courses are provided by the Vocational Training Council (VTC) (see Vocational Training Council below) at nine campuses of the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (IVE) and 22 training centres. 职业训练局(见下文职业训练局)属下的香港专业教育学院及22所训练中心,提供由政府资助的课程。
- Membership of the CDC and its network of committees includes school heads, teachers, parents and employers, academics, representatives from the Hong Kong Examinations Authority and the Vocational Training Council. 课程发展议会及属下各委员会的成员,包括校长、教师、家长、雇主、学术界人士,以及香港考试局和职业训练局的代表。
- The Vocational Training Council (VTC) allocated $380,000 to its Journalism Training Board and Advertising, Public Relations and Publishing Training Board to conduct some two dozen upgrading courses for journalists in the mass media. 年内,职业训练局拨款38万元,资助新闻业训练委员会和广告、公共关系及出版业训练委员会开办20多项课程,以提高传媒从业员的专业水平。
- With the aim of helping our workforce acquire new skills or upgrade their existing skills,we will work with the Vocational Training Council (VTC) and the Employees Retraining Board (ERB) to assist these organisations in improving their services. 为协助就业人士学习新技能或提高本身的技术水平,我们会与职业训练局和雇员再培训局合作,协助这两个机构提供更好的职业训练服务。
- The Hong Kong Seamen's Training Centre,a modern and well-equipped learning institute operated by the Vocational Training Council,provide straining courses for new entrants and in-service training. 香港海员训练中心由职业训练局开办,是一所设备完善的现代化学院。该中心开办新入职者训练课程和海员在职训练课程。
- The Vocational Training Council (VTC) advises the Government on measures to ensure a comprehensive system of vocational education and technical training suited to the needs of Hong Kong's evolving economy. 职业训练局向政府提供意见,以便制定措施确保本港有一个全面的职业教育及工业训练制度,能够配合不断转变的经济需要。
- The Vocational Training Council (VTC) allocated $380,000 to its Journalism Training Board and Advertising,Public Relations and Publishing Training Board to conduct some two dozen upgrading courses for journalists in the mass media. 年内,职业训练局拨款38万元,资助新闻业训练委员会和广告、公共关系及出版业训练委员会开办20多项课程,以提高传媒从业员的专业水平。
- The Vocational Training Council Ordinance (Cap.1130) provides for the establishment,functions and management of the Vocational Training Council,which is the main body responsible for vocational education and technical training. 《职业训练局条例》(第1130章)就职业训练局的成立、职能和管理作出规定。该局是负责职业教育及技能训练的主要机构。
- The Vocational Training Council Ordinance provides for the establishment,functions and management of the Vocational Training Council,which is the main body responsible for vocational education and technical training. 《职业训练局条例》为职业训练局的成立、职能和管理制定条文。该局是负责职业教育及技能训练的主要机构。
- Membership of the CDC and its network of committees includes school heads,teachers,parents and employers,academics,representatives from the Hong Kong Examinations Authority and the Vocational Training Council. 课程发展议会及属下各委员会的成员,包括校长、教师、家长、雇主、学术界人士,以及香港考试局和职业训练局的代表。
- Publicly funded courses are provided by the Vocational Training Council (VTC) (see Vocational Training Council below) at nine campuses of the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (IVE) and 18 training centres. 职业训练局(见下文职业训练局的章节)属下的香港专业教育学院设有九所分校,联同另外18所训练中心,提供由政府资助的课程。
- Members of the CDC and its network of committees include school heads, teachers, parents and employers, academics, representatives from the Hong Kong Examinations Authority and the Vocational Training Council. 课程发展议会及属下各委员会的成员包括校长、教师、家长、雇主、学术界人士,以及香港考试局和职业训练局的代表。
- At present, the recognised pre-employment course is the One-Year Course in Basic Craft Certificate in Welding and Fabrication offered by the Welding Training Centre WETC of the Vocational Training Council. 目前获认可的职前训练课程为职业训练局焊接业训练中心开办的焊接构制基本技术一年制证书课程。
- With the aim of helping our workforce acquire new skills or upgrade their existing skills, we will work with the Vocational Training Council (VTC) and the Employees Retraining Board (ERB) to assist these organisations in improving their services. 为协助就业人士学习新技能或提高本身的技术水平,我们会与职业训练局和雇员再培训局合作,协助这两个机构提供更好的职业训练服务。