- Bartrarnia halleriana var. elongata Turn. 梨蒴珠藓皱叶变种Bartramia pomiformis var.;elongata Turn
- Law of water change of top buds of Paulownia elongata seedlings. 兰考泡桐苗木顶芽水分变化规律研究。
- Shooting started Angust 14th and Warner Brothers paid Vivien $100,000for her 3 months of work. 电影开拍于八月十四日,华纳兄弟公司付给费雯丽十万美元作为她三个月工作的报酬。
- Barbieri M, et al .The lzmit earthquake 17 angust 1990:a post-seismic analysis using satellite observations. 郭跃宏;等.;试谈卫星遥感(热红外)技术在山西地震重点监视防御区的应用
- The objective of this study was to evaluate the impacts of fungi on components and structure of Paulownia elongata wood and to control wood stain more effectively. 为弄清真菌对变色泡桐木材成分与结构的影响;更加有效防治泡桐木材变色;该文对真菌引起的变色泡桐木材成分含量及其结构进行了研究.
- But her destiny would not remain domestic for long however, so on Angust 21st, 1934 she arrived at Lime Grove Studios to begin work on her first film,Things are Looking Up. 但她的目标并不是长期住家,所以,一九三四年八月二十一日,她来到莱姆格鲁富制片厂开始拍摄她的第一部影片《欣欣向荣》。
- Based on the samples of Ilisha elongata (Bennett ) taken from the East China Seaduring the period from 1985 to 1987, the comparison of charactersbetween male and female was made . 本文对在1985-1987年间舟山近岸采集的鳓鱼雌雄个体性状作了比较分析。
- Trivirostra elongata sp. nov.n. 长喙猎女神螺;新种
- The potted experiment was conducted to study the effect of soil drought on drought-resistant characteristics of Agropyron desertorum, Agropyron smithii, Elytrigia elongata, Elytrigia intermedia. 摘要采用盆栽断水干旱方式研究了土壤干旱对中间偃麦草、沙生冰草、蓝茎冰草和长穗偃麦草苗期抗旱性特征的影响。
- The Asia leafbeetle, Diorhabda elongata deserticola, and a weevil species , Coniatus steveni, were scored 43 and 41 respectively, which were the highest among the 12 evaluated natural enemies sp... 柽柳条叶甲得分最高(43分),其次是斯氏伞锥象(41分),推荐这2种天敌昆虫作为首选天敌引入美国做进一步评价。
- Vittari elongatan. 唇边书带蕨
- The Study on Natural Regeneration of Ulmus elongata 长序榆天然更新调查研究
- Study on the Growth Feature of Llisha Elongata 鳓生长特性的研究
- Nitzschia punctata var. elongatan. 具点菱形藻长型变种
- Licmophora gracilis var. elongatan. 纤细楔形长型变种
- Lepocinclis longistriata var. elongatan. 纵纹鳞孔藻延长变种
- Caloneis elongata var. constrictan. 长形美壁藻缢缩变种
- Elytrigia elongata (Host) Nevski 中间偃麦草
- The Color Variation Pattern of Paulownia elongata Triggered by Fungi 真菌作用下泡桐木材颜色的变化规律