- Vitamine A and Human Health 维生素A与人体健康
- It contains vitamin A and vitamin C. 它里面含维生素A和维生素C。
- The fruit of compensatory vitamin A and vegetable? 补充维生素A的水果和蔬菜?
- Contain Vitamin A and mineral elements to promote skin renewal, help to balance skin acidity and alkalinity, and endow skin with health and vigor. 含维他命A及矿物元素,促进皮肤新生,协助保持皮肤酸碱平衡,赋予男性肌肤健康和活力。
- Chocolate contains the protein, calorie, ferrum, Vitamin A and other Vitamins. 巧克力含蛋白质;卡路奇;铁质;维生素A及其它维生素.
- Mycotoxins have received considerable attention due to their significance in agricultural loss and human health. 由于霉菌毒素会对农业收成及人类健康造成严重影响,因此一直备受关注。
- Also the organic milk produced by our company has the more vitamin E, vitamin A and unsaturated fatty acid, so it can prevent the caducity and promote the health. 同时我公司所产的有机牛奶富含维生素E、不饱和脂肪酸,维生素原A等抗氧化物质,更利于人保护青春和促进健康。
- The World Health Organization will publish this report, examining the linkages between ecosystems and human health. 世界卫生组织将出版此报告,考察生态系统与人类健康之间的关系。
- Oh, you mean vitamins A and D.I've heard about that. 哦,你是说维他命A和D吧,我听说过。
- Nitryl aromatic hydrocarbon affect environment and human health mainly by waste water, dust and smoke. 摘要硝基芳烃主要通过废水、粉尘、蒸气等形式污染环境,影响人体健康。
- Vitamin A and folate, a B vitamin, also help maintain normal, healthy cells. 维生素A和叶酸(B族维生素的一种)同样会有助于保护住人体内那些既正常又健康的细胞。
- This paper summarizes the relationship between cobalt ion and human health as well as microbacteria. 本文就合金的腐蚀产物之一钴离子与人体健康和微生物之间的关系作一概述。
- Vitamin A which is essential for eye health and normal vision. 维生素A,有利于眼睛健康和视力。
- In recent years, the interest of the relationship between microelement and human health increased. 摘要微量元素与人体健康间的关系,近年来日益受到重视。
- Overmuch fat deposition in animals is regarded as one of the main prob lems to animal carcass quality and human health. 动物脂肪的过度沉积是影响胴体品质和人类健康的重要问题之一。
- The wase water produced in petroleum exploitation brings great hazard to natural environ-ment and human health. 石油开发所带来的污水给自然环境和人类健康可能造成很大危害。
- Ingredients: kiwi fruit extract, mineral salt, whitening factor, amino acid, vitamin C, vitamin A and vitamin E. 成份:本品含奇异果萃取精华,矿物盐,美白因子,氨基酸,维生素C、A、E。
- The impact on nontarget species can cause ecological, economic and human health problems. 对非目标物种的冲击,能够引起生态的、经济的和人类健康问题。
- Lack of vitamin A affect the body's growth and resistance to disease and can cause night blindness. 体内缺乏维生素A,会影响身体发育,降低对疾病的抵抗力,并可导致夜盲症。
- The research on the enantioselectivity of pesticides leads to the precise assessment of ecosystem and human health. 研究其环境行为有助于准确评价生态系统和人体健康的风险性。