- Upholding and perfecting this traditional system is of vital significance, bearing on the destiny of our Party and state. 坚持这个传统的制度,并且使它更加完善起来,是十分重要的事情,是关系我们党和国家命运的事情。
- This tendency has the vital significance to the reality of laws formulation in our country. 这一发展趋势对于我国物权法的制定具有重要的意义。
- By this impetus channels and collaterals theory innovation and the development,has the vital significance. 以此推动经络理论的创新和发展,具有重要的意义。
- Therefore, the research on the talent safety problem in energy industry has extremely vital significance. 因此,研究能源产业人才安全问题具有非常重要的意义。
- The study on design of ERF damper under the big impact has the vital significance. 研究用于数控机床实时减振系统所需的电流变液阻尼器。
- This study of the Pearl River Delta region in the early Bronze Age culture has a vital significance andValue. 这对研究珠江三角洲地区的早期青铜器文化有着极为重要的意义和价值。
- By this impetus channels and collaterals theory innovation and the development, has the vital significance. 以此推动经络理论的创新和发展,具有重要的意义。
- Therefore, the establishment of appropriate mechanisms for indexing GML model has vital significance. 本论文以GML文本文件格式数据为索引对象,研究GML空间数据的索引机制。
- The career management has the vital significance to individual,the enterprise and even the society. 做好职业生涯管理对于个人、企业乃至社会都具有重要意义。
- Therefore, the proper choice of politeness strategy is of vital significance for keeping face. 因此,在交际中选择恰当的礼貌策略来保持面子就变得尤为重要。
- Studing HA have a vital significance to reveal pathogenic mechanism of AIV and immunoprevention AI. 研究HA蛋白对揭示禽流感病毒的致病机理和免疫防治禽流感均具有重要意义。
- The description of natural scenery has the extremely vital significance in the computer graphics field. 摘要自然景物的描述在计算机图形学中具有十分重要的意义。
- Therefore strengthens to the SWATH ship control method research has the vital significance. 不但可以充实小水线面双体船减摇方面的研究材料;
- Upholding and perfecting this traditional system is of vital significance,bearing on the destiny of our Party and state. 坚持这个传统的制度,并且使它更加完善起来,是十分重要的事情,是关系我们党和国家命运的事情。
- The learning theories of behaviorism, cognitionism, and humanism are of vital significance to the construction of the study- support service system. 行为主义学习理论、知主义学习理论和人本主义学习理论,对学习支持服务系统的构建有着重要指导意义。
- Polyploidy had the very vital significance in the plant evolution, about a half of species belong topolyploidy in the plant field . 多倍体在植物进化中有很重要的意义,植物界约有二分之一的物种属于多倍体。
- It has a vital significance in improving the wetland water environment,preserving the wetland biodiversity,and maintaining the vall... 这对于改善湿地水环境,更好地维持湿地生物多样性,维护流域的生态安全和生产生活活动都具有重要意义。
- The protectorate establishment to improves the ecological environment,protects the biology multiplicity has the vital significance. 保护区的建立对改善生态环境,保护生物多样性有着重要的意义。
- It is of vital significance for promoting China's whole competition strength to reinforce development and cooperation of Links Gulf of Tonkin. 环北部湾区域的发展与合作对提升中国的整体竞争实力具有重要意义。
- This exploration of the plague popular space and time distribution rule have extremely vital significance to the plague... 建国初期这种鼠疫流行时空分布规律的探索,对鼠疫的控制与预防有着极为重要的意义。