- How to Create Query Forms in Visual FoxPro? 中通用查询表单的设计?
- An example of one database manager is Visual FoxPro(Figure 7.1). 一个数据库管理器的例子是VisualFoxPro(如图7.;1所示)。
- This design mainly narrated the VISUAL FOXPRO basic function. 本设计主要讲述了VISUAL FOXPRO的基本功能。
- Any users of Visual FoxPro 6.0 Should download and apply this update. Visual FoxPro 6.;0的所有用户都应该下载并应用这一更新。
- The Vfpodbc. Msm merge module is used to install the Microsoft Visual FoxPro ODBC driver. Vfpodbc.;msm合并模块用于安装Microsoft Visual FoxPro ODBC驱动程序。
- This paper discusses the R &D on general exam-paper database management system using Visual Foxpro. 在此主要探讨利用Visual Foxpro软件如何进行通用试题库管理系统研究开发的问题。
- On the basis of experimental data,a database for cushioning package design was developed with Visual FoxPro. 介绍了以大量实验数据为基础,利用V isual FoxPro语言开发的缓冲包装设计数据库。
- This paper introduces the ActiveX technique in Visual FoxPro and its application in the geothermal database system. 本文讨论了Visual FoxPro中的ActiveX技术,探讨了Activex控件技术在地热数据库系统中的应用;
- Microsoft Visual FoxPro 6.0 is an excellent small database management systems (DBMS). Microsoft Visual FoxPro6.;0是优秀的小型数据库管理系统。
- Visual FoxPro has the above advantage, so I use it to be the graduation design’s development tool. 所以,我也在此阶段对上一阶段得出的系统所能实现的功能仔细的分析了一下,并进一步将它们具体化,为进入总体设计阶段打下良好了的基础。
- Support many development languages, such as the Delphi, C++Builder, C#, VB, VB.NET, PowerBuilder, Visual Foxpro, etc. 支持许多开发语言,如德尔福, C + + Builder中, C %23中, VB的, vb.;net , PowerBuilder中, Visual FoxPro中,等等。
- If Visual FoxPro 6.0 Is installed, and the filename of the application was constructed correctly, the application would execute. 如果安装了Visual FoxPro 6.;0;并且应用程序的文件名构造正确;该应用程序就会执行。
- This topic lists Visual Basic 6.0 Controls, Windows Forms controls, ASP.NET and HTML server controls, MFC and ATL classes, and Visual FoxPro objects. 本主题列出了Visual Basic 6.;0控件、Windows窗体控件、ASP
- A college equipment manage system is studied in this paper. Under windows operating system, the software is developed with Visual Foxpro. 在试验的基础上 ;对高校设备管理系统进行了研究 ;利用面向对象的 VISUAL FOXPRO语言作为开发工具 ;在 WINDOWS操作平台下开发了高校设备管理系统应用软件 .
- Visual FoxPro process blueprint is an oriented Visual FoxPro programming language, diagrammatized representation for program process logic. Visual FoxPro过程蓝图是一种面向Visual FoxPro语言的程序处理逻辑图表化表示法。
- Exploiting PMIS needs supporting of Data Base Management System, the article also introduces the characters of DBMS and Visual FoxPro. 开发PMIS离不开数据库管理系统的支持,本文也介绍DBMS与Visual FoxPro的特点。
- Compatible with any programming language that supports ActiveX (Visual C++ , Visual Basic , Visual Foxpro, Delphi, .Net, etc. )兼容任何的编程语言支持的ActiveX ( Visual C + +中时, Visual Basic , Visual FoxPro中,德尔福, 。
- Meanwhile nineteen types of datasheets have been designed with Microsoft Visual FoxPro to store, manage and maintain the inspection terminal data. 采用Microsoft Visual FoxPro设计了十九种数据表来存储、管理和维护巡检终端数据;
- Microsoft Visual FoxPro is an important branch in the development of the FoxPro language and all the computer languages. 以上,我们初步了解了用户的要求,并提出了可行性的方案。
- Compatible with any programming language that supports ActiveX (ASP, Access, Visual C++ , Visual Basic , Visual Foxpro, Delphi, .Net, etc. )兼容任何编程语言,支持的ActiveX ( ASP技术,接入, Visual C + +中, Visual Basic中, Visual Foxpro实现,德尔福, 。