- Viktor Sanyeyev 萨涅耶夫
- Viktor Navorski: A stallion. Like a horse. 维克多:一个留种的雄兽,就像是马。
- Viktor Krum: Bulgaria's new tourism face? 保加利亚的观光新风貌?
- The Durmstrang champion is Viktor Krum. 德姆兰的斗士是维克多喀浪.
- Viktor Navorski: I don't know. Both. 维克多:我不知道。都是。
- No, we`d not care to join you and Viktor. 不;我们不想加入你和维克多.
- Have Viktor check the fuel in the generators. 让维克多去检查一下发动机里的燃料.
- "Setz dich auf den hinteren Sitz , Viktor . 坐到后面的坐位去,维克多!
- The House of Viktor &Rolf is on tour. 一个小的就30.;000欧元挺变态的把!
- Is that Hermione Granger? With Viktor Krum? 那个是妙丽格兰杰吗?和维克多喀浪在一起的?
- Is that Hermione Granger?With Viktor Krum? |那是赫敏.;格兰杰吗? 与威克多尔
- Tropp, Viktor Ya.Frenkel, Artur D. 放大图片 作者: Eduard A.
- Viktor you must change your voice better! 维克托,你必须把你的声音变得温柔些!
- Viktor Navorski: Officer Torres, my friend say you are stallion. 维克多:托勒斯警官,我的朋友说你是留种的雄兽。
- Viktor Frankl was a psychologist who survived the holocaust. 法兰柯是一位从纳粹大屠杀生还的心理学家。
- What happened to Viktor talking to Harry about his feelings for Hermione? 关于维克多(就是克鲁姆)告诉哈利自己对赫敏的感情的那部分呢?
- The Ukrainian president made his comments during talks in Kiev with Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych. 尤先科总统在基辅跟亚努科维奇总理会谈时做出以上表示。
- Stereochemistry (1878): Term originated c. 1878 by Viktor Meyer (1848-97) for the study of stereoisomers. 立体化学 (1878): 最初由迈耶(V.;meyer)于1878年左右提出的一个名词;指对立体异构体的研究。
- Stereochemistry (1878): Term originated c. 1878 by Viktor Meyer (1848-97) for the study of stereoisomers. 立体化学(1878):最初由迈耶(V.;Meyer)于1878年左右提出的一个名词,指对立体异构体的研究。
- Viktor Kremenyuk agrees his country must democratize, if it is to modernize its economy. 克雷门约克同意,俄罗斯如果要将经济现代化,必须民主化。