- Keywords Micronucleus rate;Lymphocyte;Vicia faba leave tip cell.; 蚕豆叶尖细胞;人淋巴细胞;微核率;
- The Effects of Triadimefon on Chloroplast Pigment and Protein Content During the Senescence of Detached Vicia faba Leaves 三唑酮对蚕豆离体叶片衰老过程中叶绿体色素和蛋白质含量的影响
- Cytogenetic Toxicity of Potassium Chlorate on Vicia faba Root Tip Cells. 氯酸钾污染对蚕豆根尖细胞的遗传毒性效应。
- BACKGROUND &AIM: To understanding detection root tip cell of Dali vicia faba in icronucleus. 背景与目的:了解大理州蚕豆在微核试验中作为微核实验材料的应用价值。
- The conclusion of this study was that potassium dichromate has obvious teratogenic effect on Vicia faba root tip cells. 结论是重铬酸钾对蚕豆根尖细胞具有明显的致畸效应。
- CONCLUSION:It suggested that the Feng-yi green vicia faba had good sensitive ,and sift through of root tip cell in micronucleu... 结论:经过筛选确大理州定凤仪青皮蚕豆敏感性好,是一种有价值的微核实验的材料。
- CONCLUSION:It suggested that the Feng-yi green vicia faba had good sensitive ,and sift through of root tip cell in micronucleus test. 结论:经过筛选确大理州定凤仪青皮蚕豆敏感性好,是一种有价值的微核实验的材料。
- Objective The cytogenetic toxic effects of waste water fr om plating plant on the cell of vicia faba root tip were studied. 目的研究电镀厂的生产用水、未处理的生产废水以及已处理水对蚕豆胚根根尖的细胞遗传学毒性效应。
- This paper studied primarily the monitoring water pollution of Yunnan Dianchi Lake using Vicia faba root tip cell micronucleus. 本文在利用蚕豆根尖细胞微核监测滇池水质方面作了一些初步研究。
- The genetic toxicity and pollution effects of potassium chlorate on Vicia faba root tip cells were studied by means of VAMCN. 利用蚕豆根尖微核技术研究了氯酸钾细胞遗传毒性和污染效应。
- CONCLUSION:It suggested that the Feng-yi green vicia faba had good sensitive ,and sift through of root tip cell in micronuc... 结论:经过筛选确大理州定凤仪青皮蚕豆敏感性好,是一种有价值的微核实验的材料。
- BACKGROUND AND AIM:The genotoxicity of chlorothalonil or cypermethrin on vicia faba root tip was studied by using micronucleus test technology. 背景与目的:研究不同浓度农药百菌清、氯氰菊酯对蚕豆根尖细胞的遗传损伤。
- Effect of tenuazonic acid on micronucleus and karyokinesis of Vicia faba root tip cells was investigated to evaluate its cytogenetic toxicity. 利用蚕豆根尖为材料,研究了链格孢菌毒素细交链孢菌酮酸对细胞微核和有丝分裂的影响,以评价其细胞遗传毒性。
- Aim:To study the effects of cordyceps polysaccharide on micronucleus of Vicia faba root tip cells caused by mitomycin-c(MMC). 目的:研究虫草多糖对丝裂霉素诱发的蚕豆根尖细胞微核的影响。
- Biological effects of foliage spraying boron on Vicia Faba L. 叶面施硼对蚕豆生物效应的影响。
- By using Vicia faba root tip cells micronucleus test technique water samples in 20 different places of inner Qinhuai River were monitored. 本文利用蚕豆根尖微核技术监测了内秦淮河20个河段的水质污染情况。
- First,the amout of vicia faba root nodule which were irrigat... 本文还对以上结果的产生原因进行了初步的分析和探讨。
- An annual Old World plant (Vicia faba) in the pea family, having pinnately compound leaves, white flowers with lateral purplish blotches, and long, thick pods. 蚕豆:一种东半球的豆科一年生植物(蚕豆野豌豆属),有羽状复叶,开白花,花侧面带紫色斑点,豆荚长而厚
- Chlorophytum from root to leaf tip, like the little girl "Light the. 吊兰从叶根到叶尖,都像小姑娘的脸蛋儿“光光滑滑”的。
- The micronucleus test with vicia faba root tip cell was used to study the water pollution of main rivers in suburban of Nantong city. 利用蚕豆根尖细胞微核技术对南通市郊区主要河流水体的污染状况进行了检测,测定各采样点水样的蚕豆根尖细胞微核千分率(MCN‰)及污染指数(PI),并进行了统计分析。