- We are making a bid to extend the scheme to six other provincial cities in the Pan-PRD region. 我们现正争取将计划扩展至泛珠三角区域内仍未开放的六个省会城市。
- In September and October 1948, the provincial cities of Kaifeng, Tsinan, Chefoo and Linyi fell to the Communists almost without a struggle. 一九四八年九、十月间,开封、济南、烟台、临沂等地几乎未经战斗就相继落人共军手中。
- Even now, whereas small provincial cities like Valladolid and Segovia are connected to a new line, it will still take several years to link up with France's network. 即便是现在,小型省会城市如瓦利阿多里德和塞戈维亚间也有高速铁路连接,仍要在几年的等待之后新干线才会和法国铁路网驳接。
- Lyon seemed ready to subside into a sleepy and closed provincial city. 里昂似乎已濒临衰退为一个死气沉沉,闭关自守的省城。
- To see it, Behl and I drove out of Aurangabad, a provincial city east of Mumbai. 贝尔与我从孟买东方的省城奥蓝加巴德开车前来观赏。
- He spent most of his 14 years in Japan in another provincial city, Kumamoto, and in Tokyo before his death at 54. 后来,他在熊本和东京生活了14年,54岁那年他在东京逝世。
- There is a lot of vice in big cities. 大城市存在许多道德败坏的行为。
- Rome began to extend Urbanization Campaign since the mid 2nd century BC. In the Roman Empire , city system had been made further improvements, which was reflected on the constant development and booming of all provincial cities. 罗马自从公元前2世纪中叶开始推广城市化运动,到帝国时期,城市体制进一步完善,集中地反映在各行省城市的不断发展和繁荣之中。
- With the gleaming skyscrapers in Pudong and its conveyor belt of new restaurants from all over the world, Shanghai has an air of easy cosmopolitanism that makes Beijing seem the provincial city. 浦东光彩夺目的摩天大楼,来自全球各地、鳞次栉比的新餐馆,让上海散发出从容自在的国际风范,相比之下,北京就像一个省会城市。
- Man dictates to weapons, not vice versa. 是人指挥武器,而不是武器指挥人。
- He reported on the whole event to the vice premier. 他把整个事件向副总理作了汇报。
- The vice president had to dodge flying tomatoes. 副总统不得不闪躲飞来的番茄。
- The vice president was the president's successor. 副总统是总统的继任人。
- A Moslem ruler, provincial governor, or judge. 穆斯林的统治者,地方长官,或法官
- The vice president is in a state of poor health. 副总统健康状况不佳。
- A provincial governor in the Ottoman Empire. 贝伊奥托曼帝国的地方长官
- The vice is bolted to the work-bench. 老虎钳是用螺栓拧在工作台上的。
- His art is primitive and provincial. 他的艺术原始而粗野。
- New York is among the largest cities in the world. 纽约是世界上最大的几座城市之一。
- There is a lot of vice in our cities. 我们的城市中有许多邪恶存在。