- The Ambassador of... asks for an appointment with the Vice Foreign Minister. 某大使要求约见外交部副部长。
- The Ambassador of ... asks for an appointment with the Vice Foreign Minister. 某大使要求约见外交部副部长。
- North Korea first vice foreign minister Kang Sok Ju also attended the meeting. 朝鲜外务省第一副相姜锡柱等参加了会见。
- China's official Xinhua news agency says Vice Foreign Minister Cui Tiankai met his Iranian counterpart Ali Larijani Tuesday in Tehran. 中国官方新华社说,外交部部长助理崔天凯星期二在德黑兰会见了伊朗官员拉里贾尼。
- Vice Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing on April 25 urgently summoned US Ambassador and lodged solemn representations and the protest as instructed by the Chinese Government. 外交部副部长李肇星于4月25日紧急召见美驻华大使,奉命向美方提出严正交涉和强烈抗议。
- The U.S. Delegation is led by Assistant Secretary of State James Kelly, while Pyongyang's is headed by Vice Foreign Minister Kim Kye Gwan. 美国代表团由助理国务卿詹姆斯·凯利带队,而朝鲜代表团是由副外长金桂冠带领。
- Japan's Kyodo News reported that Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Wu Dawei conveyed Beijing's regret to Japan's ambassador to China earlier Tuesday. 日本京都新闻报道周二早些时候;中国副外交部长吴大维(音译)向日本大使传达了北京方面的遗憾.
- Instead, he met with North Korea's First Vice Foreign Minister Kang Sok Ju, the man regarded as the mastermind of the North's nuclear diplomacy. 但他会见了北韩第一副外相姜锡柱。姜锡柱被视为是北韩核外交的主要人物。博斯沃思还同北韩首席核谈判人员金桂冠举行会谈。
- Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Zhang Yesui have also held separatetalks with Bolton on the North Korean nuclear crisis and global arms control. 外交部副部长王毅和张业遂,分别就朝鲜核问题以及全球武器控制等问题,与约翰博尔顿进行了交谈。
- At a press briefing last week, Chinese Vice Foreign Minister He Yafei said that China expects to build a fair, inclusive and efficient international financial system. 在上周一个简短的发布会上,中国外交副部长何亚非说,中国希望建立一个公平、包容、有效的世界金融体系。
- Vice Foreign Minister Wang Guangya and his ROK counterpart, Mr.KWON Jong Rak, First Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, preside over the dialogue. 中国的副外长王光亚先生和韩国外交通商部第一次官权钟洛先生主持这次战略对话。
- China said its top negotiator on the North Korean nuclear standoff Vice Foreign Minister Wu Dawei is going to Pyongyang next week, although it is not clear if he will discu the mi ile tests. 中国方面表示,中国参加北韩核危机会谈的首席谈判代表,副外交部长武大伟下星期将前往平壤,但是目前还不清楚,他是否将讨论导弹试射的问题。
- China said its top negotiator on the North Korean nuclear standoff Vice Foreign Minister Wu Dawei is going to Pyongyang next week, although it is not clear if he will discuss the missile tests. 中国方面表示,中国参加北韩核危机会谈的首席谈判代表,副外交部长武大伟下星期将前往平壤,但是目前还不清楚,他是否将讨论导弹试射的问题。
- When asked whether Pyongyang possessed civilian enrichment facilities on April 22, 2004, Vice Foreign Minister Kim Gye Gwan quickly denied that it had any type of enrichment program. 2004年4月22日,朝鲜副外相Kim Gye Gwan当被问到朝鲜是否拥有民用核设施时,其快速否认了朝鲜拥有任何类型的铀浓缩计划。
- I have two questions on Afghanistan.Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Wu Dawei is going to attend the international conference on Afghanistan in the Hague today.What kind of proposal is he going to make? 问:我有两个关于阿富汗的问题,外交部副部长武大伟将于今天出席在海牙举行的阿富汗问题国际会议,他将在会上提出什么建议?
- US Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Hill says meeting in Singapore with North Korea's Vice Foreign Minister Kim kye Gwan went well and he hopes to make further announcements soon. 美国国务卿助理克里斯托弗希尔称与北朝鲜副外交部长金凯万与新加坡的会谈进行的很顺利,他希望能够立刻做出进一步的声明。
- Chinese Vice Foreign Minister He Yafei and the United Nations development system to implement the Office of the Director of the UNDP Administrator Dervis attended the ceremony and said the issue. 中国外交部副部长何亚非和联合国发展系统执行办公室主任、开发计划署署长德尔维什共同出席发行仪式并致辞。
- Tuesday, Chinese vice Foreign Minister He Yafei told United States that China is seriously considering the mission which would be an unprecedented deployment of the country's Navy. 周二中国外交部副部长何亚非告诉美国中国正在慎重考虑这次使命,动用海军在中国是史无前例的。
- However, the island's "vice foreign minister", Andrew Hsia, tendered his resignation yesterday following criticism of rescue efforts, making him the first political casualty of the storm. 但是,台湾“外交部副部长”夏立言昨天在救援工作问题受到批评之后递交了辞呈,成为这场风灾的第一个政治牺牲品。