- Karyotype analysis for Viburnum macrocephalum and V. sympodiale. 合轴荚__和木绣球的核型分析.
- Viburnum sympodialen. 合轴荚蒾
- Herbs perennial, rhizomatous, sympodial, epiphytic. 多年生草本,根状茎,合轴,附生的。
- Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Viburnum opulus L. 欧洲绣球的组织培养和快速繁殖。
- Studies on germplasm of ornamental plants in Viburnum. 荚__属观花植物资源的研究.
- Stems sympodial, upper stem often zigzig, often 5-angled. 茎合轴,上面的茎通常曲折,通常具5个角。
- Viburnum odoratissimum Ker-Gawl.var. awabuki (C.Koch) Zabel ex Rumpl. 日本珊瑚树 常绿灌木或小乔木 忍冬科 好阳光,宜能耐阴K。
- A numerical analysis of the distribution patterns of Chinese Viburnum. 中国荚__属分布式样的数值分析.
- The chemical composition and fiber characteristics ol two sympodial bamboos have been studied in this paper. 研究了两种产自云南的丛生竹的化学组成和纤维特性。
- The results show that H.laeve exhibited sympodial branching pattern and “guerilla” architecture. 研究表明:1)根茎灌木羊柴具有合轴型分枝类型和游击型基株构型。
- Definition: Cramp bark consists of the dried or fresh bark of the roots, stems, or branches of Viburnum opulus L. 本品为忍冬科植物欧洲荚蒾Viburnum opulus L.;的干燥根皮、茎皮或枝条。
- Definition: Black haw consists of the fresh or dried bark of the trunk, branch, or root of Viburnum prunifolium L. 本品为忍冬科植物樱叶荚蒾Viburnum prunifolium L.;的干燥或新鲜的树干、枝条或根的皮。
- Trees or shrubs, evergreen, branches sympodial, often with terminal rosettes of leaves, armed with stinging hairs. 乔木或灌木,常绿,合轴分枝,通常具顶生的莲座丛叶,具蛰毛的。
- Herbs perennial or monocarpic, growing from sympodial rhizomes or a massive, sympodial corm. 多年生草本或者一次结实植物,具有合轴分支的根状茎或者巨大的合轴的球茎。
- The resources of sympodial bamboo species with excellent features for pulping are abundant in China. 我国丛生竹种质资源丰富,且具有优良的造纸特性。
- The sympodial ramets hold the dominant status in the clone growth of the A. fargesii clonal population. 巴山木竹无性系种群的克隆生长型中以合轴型分株占主导地位。
- Among shrubs, the dust-retention abilities of Viburnum odoratissimum, Pittosporum tobira, Euonymus japonicus and Lagerstroemia indica were stronger. 灌木中,以珊瑚树、海桐、大叶黄杨和紫薇等的滞尘能力较强。
- Along the roads, laurel , viburnum and alder , great ferns and wildflowers delighted the traveler's eye through much of the year. 在路的两旁,一年中许多时候,月桂树、荚莲、桤木、蕨类植物和各样的野花都能让过往的行人赏心悦目。
- Objective: To optimize the extraction process of chlorogenic acid luteolin of the effective constition of Viburnum sargentii koehne. 摘要目的:优选鸡树条荚迷果实中有效成分绿原酸的最佳提取工艺。
- The fresh seeds (true seed with endocarp) of Viburnum odoratissimum have dormancy, with their uneven germination lasting for approximately 6 months. 摘要珊瑚树种子(真实种子加内果皮)具有休眠性,新鲜种子即播后发芽不整齐且需时甚长(约需6个月)。