- Vibro vulnificus 创伤弧菌
- CO.UK]William Boulton Vibro Energy Ltd. 访问数/每百万人:Reach for [WILLIAMBOULTON.
- Vibrio vulnificus can cause wound or soft tissue infections. 创伤弧菌可引致伤口或软组织感染。
- Vibrio vulnificus is a bacterium in the same family as those that cause cholera. It normally lives in warm seawater. 创伤弧菌与霍乱弧菌属于同一细菌类别,它通常存在于和暖的海水。
- During this presentation, I will explain the techniques used by A&D`s Sine-Wave Vibro Viscometer to measure viscosity. 在以下时间,我将要为大伙介绍一下日本A&D公司运用正弦波振动的技术来测量粘度的方式。
- Vibrio vulnificus, a worldwide virulent pathogen, is mainly found in warm coastal waters. 摘要创伤弧菌是一种遍及全球的病原体,主要在温暖的沿海水域里发现。
- New Vibro Mat - Folding Tactile Sound Mat based upon the New Technology Ibeam Transducers. 新振垫折叠触觉垫健全基于新技术ibeam传感器.
- The JA 46 strain was identified as Vibrio vulnificus by the data of API 20E kit and ATB system. 经 API- 2 0 E系统试剂盒检测和 ATB自动鉴定系统鉴定 ,该菌为创伤弧菌 (Vibrio vulnificus) ;
- The mortality of septicemia with Vibrio vulnificus necrotizing fasciitis is very high. 因此详尽的询问病史对于?别诊断及治疗是相当重要的。
- Objective To investigate the ultrastructure of infected tissues in patients with Vibrio vulnificus pyemia. 目的深入了解创伤弧菌脓毒血症的病变组织细胞超微结构。
- Vibrio vulnificus, a gram-negative halophilic marine bacterium, is an opportunistic human pathogen. 创伤弧菌为栖息于海水环境中的革兰氏阴性细菌,为人类的伺机性致病菌。
- While in aquatic products, Vibro parahaemolyticus reached to 30.15%, in pork and poultry, Campylobacter was 14.81% and 26.07% respectively. 生猪肉、生禽肉中弯曲菌的检出率分别达14.;81%25和26
- The three main clinical presentations of Vibrio vulnificus were primary septicemia, soft tissue infection, and gastroenteritis. 在某些易感的病人中,创伤弧菌感染可能会导致致命性的疾病,特别是罹患肝脏疾病或者糖尿病的患者。
- Based on the quadratic general rotary unitized design, the experiments effected by multiple factors have been made on vibro - fluidized bed spray granulation in this paper. 本文研究了利用二次通用旋转组合设计来进行多因素影响的振动流化床喷雾造粒试验,建立数学模型,得出了具有一定参考价值的最佳操作参数。
- Steve Gilpatrick is fighting necrotizing fasciitis, a tissue-destroying disease caused by a bacterium called Vibrio vulnificus. Steve Gilpatrick患了感染性筋膜炎,一种由Vibriovulnificus细菌导致的组织破坏性疾病。
- Analyse the problem and reason in the process of operating hot vibro screen put forward the related transforming methods according to producing experience. 结合制造安装及实际生产经验,对热矿振动筛在运行过程中出现的问题及原因进行了分析,并提出了相应的改造措施。
- Vibrio vulnificus, a particularly virulence species of vibrio, is a gram-negative, rod-shaped, halophilic marine bacterium. 创伤弧菌是一种具有独特性致毒因子的,革兰氏阴性菌、呈现杆状且嗜盐性的海洋弧菌。
- The food-borne pathogenic vibrio required detection mainly comprises parahemolytic vibrio, vibrio cholerae and vibrio vulnificus. 需要检测的食源性致病弧菌主要包括以下几种:副溶血弧菌、霍乱弧菌、创伤弧菌。
- Vibrio vulnificus, a halophilic gram-negative marine bacterium, is an opportunistic pathogen causing septicemia and wound infection in humans. 创伤弧菌为一伺机感染性病原菌,主要生存于海水内,会经由伤口或胃肠道而造成感染。
- To our knowledge, this is the first report on both the Ph. damselae subsp. damselae and V. vulnificus infection in Trachinotus ovatus. 本文关于美人鱼弧菌与创伤弧菌对卵形鲳鲹的致病感染研究,据大量的文献查阅在 国内外尚属首次。